Impaired Narcissism

There’s a long list of historical leaders whose impairment signaled a rapid collapse of futures for corresponding empires

Biden type

King George III (England): Mental illness, likely porphyria. Loss of American colonies, rise of constitutional monarchy.

Paul von Hindenburg (Germany): Cognitive decline, facilitated Nazi rise. Collapse of Weimar Republic, rise of Nazi dictatorship.

King Charles II (Spain): Inbreeding, physical and mental disabilities. War of Spanish Succession, division of empire, decline of Habsburg Spain.

Emperor Ferdinand I (Austria): Epilepsy, possible hydrocephalus. Limited central authority, increased influence of regional nobility.

Emperor Rudolf II (Holy Roman Empire): Melancholy, mental disorder. Weakening of imperial authority, increased religious conflict, Thirty Years’ War.

King Louis XVI (France): Indecisiveness. French Revolution, fall of monarchy, rise of the First French Republic.

Tsar Nicholas II (Russia): Ineffective governance. Russian Revolution, fall of the Romanov dynasty, rise of Soviet Union.

Pope Clement VII: Indecision. Protestant Reformation, weakened Papal authority, loss of political power.

Emperor Nero (Rome): Cruelty, erratic behavior. Great Fire of Rome, increased persecution of Christians, instability leading to Year of the Four Emperors.

Emperor Caligula (Rome): Extreme cruelty, possible schizophrenia. Economic strain due to extravagance, assassination, power struggle.

Sultan Ibrahim I (Ottoman Empire): Severe mental illness, paranoia. Political instability, decline in administrative efficiency, increased influence of court factions.

King Ludwig II (Bavaria): Eccentric behavior, mental disorder. Financial strain due to extravagant projects, loss of Bavarian independence.

Emperor Justin II (Byzantium): Severe mental illness, violent behavior. Territorial losses, weakened military, increased pressure from external enemies.

Tsar Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible, Russia): Paranoid, violent actions. Centralization of power, establishment of Oprichnina, increased internal strife.

King Henry VI (England): Bouts of insanity. Wars of the Roses, prolonged civil war, weakening of the monarchy.

Emperor Qin Shi Huang (China): Paranoia, extreme measures for immortality. Centralization of power, standardization, massive infrastructure projects, rapid collapse of Qin Dynasty.

Terms of Use

Good evening, valued constituents,

By continuing to participate in this democratic process, you hereby agree to the following terms and conditions, which are subject to change at any time, with or without prior notice.

Your vote, opinions, and support, whether explicitly expressed or implied through your presence, shall be utilized by this administration in accordance with its objectives, which may be revised at our sole discretion. While we endeavor to fulfill promises made during this campaign, there is no guarantee, either expressed or implied, that all commitments will be met. Actual results may vary.

We reserve the right to interpret public opinion as we see fit, and any suggestions provided by you, the citizen, may be implemented or ignored at our sole discretion, without the expectation of acknowledgment. Engagement in civic activities does not create an obligation on behalf of this administration to take direct action.

By participating in this political process, you waive any right to hold us accountable for unforeseen economic downturns, policy shifts, or general dissatisfaction with governance. We disclaim any liability for unintended consequences resulting from our policies, including but not limited to job losses, inflation, or decreased quality of public services.

This administration retains the exclusive right to redefine ‘success’ at any time, and the definition of key terms such as ‘progress,’ ‘prosperity,’ or ‘transparency’ may be adjusted to align with our evolving objectives.

Your trust is important to us, and we take every measure to protect it—however, we assume no responsibility for any erosion of public confidence resulting from actions or inactions on our part. Any grievances must be submitted in writing, though responses are not guaranteed.

By continuing to reside within the jurisdiction of this government, you acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions. Failure to comply with our interpretation of civic responsibility may result in future restrictions or limitations, to be determined at a later date.

Thank you for your continued participation, and we look forward to your ongoing compliance.

Best regards,

Your Administration

Obama Style:

“My fellow Americans,

Before we begin, I want to remind you of one thing: we are in this together. But as we move forward, we must recognize that not every promise can be fulfilled exactly as intended. Now, here’s the thing—by participating in this democracy, you agree to certain terms and conditions, which are necessary to keep things running smoothly. We have to be honest with each other. Not every plan will turn out the way we want it to, and sometimes progress takes time—more time than we’d like.

Now, let’s be clear: while our administration will work hard to achieve the goals we’ve laid out, there are no guarantees. We will do our best, but there are complexities beyond our control. You may not always see the changes right away, and sometimes you might not even feel them, but that doesn’t mean we’re not working on your behalf.

As citizens, you have a vital role to play, but your engagement doesn’t automatically mean every suggestion will be implemented. It’s important to understand that we will continue to make decisions based on the broader good—even if it’s not immediately obvious.

Let me be clear: if something doesn’t go according to plan, we cannot, and will not, be held liable for every unintended consequence. This is the reality of governance. We’re moving in the right direction, but change is hard.

So, as you go about your lives, trust in the system—trust that we are doing what we can. And together, if we stay patient and hopeful, we’ll get to where we need to go. Thank you, and God bless America.

Trump Style:


Let me tell you, nobody knows the system better than me. I know how it works, and it’s complicated, believe me. So, when you support us—and you do, in tremendous numbers—you agree to certain things. It’s all part of the deal, okay? And let me just say, it’s a great deal. But here’s the thing: we’re not responsible for everything. If something doesn’t go right, don’t blame us. We’re doing amazing things, but sometimes things happen. You all know that.

Now, we’re doing fantastic work, the best work. But no promises, okay? We’re going to try to fix things, but there’s a lot of mess left by the people before us. You understand that. And if things don’t go as planned—well, not my fault. Could be anyone’s fault, really, but not ours. You’ve seen the numbers, they’re incredible. Nobody’s done what we’re doing, but nobody can fix everything overnight. It takes time, folks, but we’re winning.

So, by being part of this country—the greatest country in the world—you agree that we can’t be blamed for everything. We’re doing our best, and it’s a great best, probably the greatest anyone’s ever seen. If things get tough, well, that’s just how it goes. We’ll figure it out, though. Don’t worry.

And believe me, if someone tries to tell you it’s not going well, they’re wrong. We’re making the best deals, the best moves. You’re gonna love it. But hey, if something goes sideways, you can’t come back and say we didn’t warn you. You agree to that, right? Believe me, it’s all under control. Thank you.”

Both versions carry the “terms of use” vibe but in the signature styles of Obama’s thoughtful, structured rhetoric and Trump’s confident, fast-paced delivery.