Property is Not Theft, But Great Larceny

Ah, property. The very bedrock of modern civilization and the darling of economic theory. Some may claim that “property is theft,” a catchy slogan that sounds radical and intriguing, but let’s be honest: that’s merely scratching the surface. Property isn’t theft; it’s great larceny, the most sophisticated, refined heist in the annals of human history.

The notion of theft, in its most pedestrian form, is rather unremarkable. It involves a quick grab, a snatch and run, something that even the clumsiest of burglars could manage. Property, however, is an entirely different beast. It’s theft with a bow tie, a grand spectacle of strategic maneuvering and meticulous planning. Think of it as theft’s more cultured cousin, who not only takes your belongings but also manages to leave you with a polite thank-you note and a feeling of inadequacy.

The real charm of property lies in its ability to transform what should be a simple theft into an elaborate performance art. It’s not just about what you own; it’s about how you turn the act of owning into a high-stakes game. Instead of taking things outright, you create elaborate structures, complex legal frameworks, and societal norms to ensure that the loot is not only secure but also beyond question.

Consider the opulence of the ultra-wealthy. Their fortunes, often built not on their own sweat but on the backs of others, are masterpieces of grand larceny. These fortunes are not the result of straightforward theft but of a refined process involving wage suppression, creative tax avoidance, and monopolistic practices—all neatly packaged and justified under the guise of economic success. It’s theft with an aura of legitimacy, wrapped in the latest business jargon and secured by the finest legal expertise.

Moreover, property excels at the art of exclusion. It’s not merely about possession; it’s about keeping others out. The wealthy don’t just acquire assets; they create barriers to entry, ensuring that others are locked out of the opportunities and resources that are so effortlessly enjoyed within their gilded circles. This isn’t theft in the usual sense; it’s a grand orchestration, a carefully staged performance where the real prize is not just what you own but how you ensure that no one else can have any of it.

The idea that property could be theft is a quaint oversimplification, a charming but inadequate critique. Property, as it’s practiced, is theft elevated to an art form. It’s a sophisticated operation that involves not just the taking of assets but the creation of entire systems designed to ensure that this taking remains not only accepted but celebrated.

So, the next time you hear someone bandying about the notion that property is theft, remember: that’s like calling a grand opera a mere tune. Property is much more elaborate—it’s a highbrow heist, a cunning con that turns everyday theft into an elegant, socially sanctioned practice. The real trick is in recognizing the grandeur of the larceny, the finesse with which the great heist is executed, and the charming way it’s all presented as an emblem of economic progress.

The Centrist Charade

Dig beneath the surface of history, man, and you’ll find the stench of power clinging to everything. Marxist cats, always sniffing for class struggle, point their fingers at the center as the ultimate enabler – the guys greasing the skids for the real heavies. This ain’t a one-act play, though; this pattern stretches back centuries, a tangled web woven by supposed moderates who end up reinforcing the very structures they claim to tweak.

The 19th Century: Nationalism’s Sideshow and the Monarchy’s Minions

Take the 19th century, a time when nationalism was the hottest jazz and kings still wore fancy hats. Centrists waltzed in,all reason and moderation, claiming the middle ground between the bomb-throwing radicals and the crusty old guard. But this “rationality” was a smoke screen, obscuring the true power dynamic. They shielded the crowns and flags from real critiques, the ones that questioned the whole damn rigged game. By painting the revolutionaries as a bunch of hopped-up loonies, these centrists gave the status quo a democratic sheen, keeping the fat cats fat and the workers toiling away.

Fascism’s Funky Fresh Beat: The Center Gets Cold Feet

Fast forward to the 1920s, where fascism reared its ugly head. The center, ever the flip-flopper, couldn’t decide if it wanted to punch fascists in the face or hold hands and skip rope. They underestimated the whole brownshirt brigade,dismissing them as a passing fad or some fringe cult. But when the Red Scare came knocking, the center saw the Commies as the bigger threat – the devil you know, right? So, they cozied up to the fascists, figures they could control, or so they thought. This little alliance wasn’t just a handshake; the center actively greased the skids for fascist regimes, all in the name of “preserving order.” The result? A fascist free-for-all, complete with jackboots and goose-stepping.

The Far-Right’s Disco Ball: The Center Cuts a Rug

Fast forward to our own groovy time, and the same old story plays on repeat. The center, supposedly all about democracy and whatnot, finds itself defending the far-right’s latest disco hits. Remember that French minister who wouldn’t diss the National Front? Classic case of the center bending over backwards for the bad guys. In the name of “pragmatism” (whatever that means), they end up adopting the far-right’s xenophobic tunes, making their whole hateful ideology seem normal. This accommodation is like putting lipstick on a pig – sure, it might look different, but it’s still the same oinking beast underneath.

The Big Finale: Dismantling the Centrist Charade

So, what’s the takeaway, man? Marxist theory shines a light on the center as the ultimate stooge, the guy who keeps the capitalist machine humming along. They play both sides, neutralizing real challenges from the left and right, all to ensure the status quo remains quo-ish. It’s a historical pattern that demands a closer look. We gotta critically examine this whole centrist charade and its role in propping up oppressive systems. If we want real change, forget about moderation and break out the Molotov cocktails of praxis. The only way to dismantle the house of cards is to give it a good, hard shove.

New Commandments

here are ten commandments aimed at rectifying the issues highlighted in the critical interpretation:

  1. Embrace Diverse Beliefs and Ideologies:
    • Recognize and respect diverse belief systems, ideologies, and worldviews, fostering an inclusive and open-minded society.
  2. Promote Creative Expression and Symbolism:
    • Encourage artistic expression and the use of symbols to reflect the richness of human creativity and cultural diversity.
  3. Question Authority and Speak Freely:
    • Challenge authority, question the status quo, and promote freedom of speech to foster open dialogue and critical thinking.
  4. Celebrate Leisure, Rest, and Personal Pursuits:
    • Value leisure, rest, and personal pursuits, acknowledging the importance of individual well-being beyond labor contributions.
  5. Respect All Family Structures:
    • Honor and respect all types of family structures, recognizing that familial relationships should be built on love, equality, and mutual support.
  6. Oppose Systemic Injustice and Exploitation:
    • Condemn and actively oppose systemic injustices and exploitation, addressing the root causes of social and economic disparities.
  7. Encourage Honest and Open Relationships:
    • Foster honest and open relationships, emphasizing communication, transparency, and mutual understanding.
  8. Promote Collective Ownership and Shared Resources:
    • Advocate for collective ownership and the equitable distribution of resources, challenging systems that perpetuate inequality.
  9. Protect Whistleblowers and Seek the Truth:
    • Safeguard whistleblowers and encourage the pursuit of truth, acknowledging the importance of exposing corruption and injustice.
  10. Inspire Aspirations for Equality and Justice:
    • Encourage aspirations for a more just and equitable society, promoting collective efforts to create positive change and address systemic issues.

These commandments are crafted to foster a society that values diversity, equality, and justice, addressing the concerns raised in the critical interpretation of the traditional Ten Commandments.

The Ten Commandments

In the hallowed corridors of power, a group of ruling elites gathered to formulate a set of principles that would ostensibly guide their subjects but, in reality, solidify their grip on wealth and authority. The Ten Commandments, a seemingly moral code, bore the marks of exploitation and manipulation, cleverly crafted to maintain the hierarchical structures of society.

  1. No other gods before me: This commandment served as a tool for the ruling class to enforce a monolithic belief system, suppressing alternative ideologies that might challenge their authority. By claiming divine endorsement, the elites ensured that dissent against their rule was seen as sacrilege.
  2. No graven images: The prohibition of graven images conveniently discouraged any form of artistic expression or symbolic representation that might question the ruling class. It aimed to stifle creativity and subvert cultural movements that could inspire rebellion.
  3. Not taking the name of the Lord in vain: By attaching divine consequences to challenging the status quo, this commandment discouraged any questioning of authority. It effectively made dissent a sin, equating resistance with blasphemy.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy: While ostensibly promoting rest, this commandment also served the ruling class by instilling a sense of guilt in those who sought to reclaim their time for leisure or personal pursuits. It reinforced the idea that one’s labor was inherently tied to their worth.
  5. Honor your father and mother: This commandment subtly promoted familial authority, discouraging rebellious thoughts within households. It reinforced the traditional family structure that often mirrored societal hierarchies, where obedience to authority was paramount.
  6. You shall not murder: While on the surface condemning violence, this commandment conveniently ignored the systemic violence of oppressive regimes. By focusing on individual acts, it diverted attention from the mass exploitation orchestrated by the ruling class.
  7. You shall not commit adultery: This commandment, when interpreted through a critical lens, aimed to preserve the institution of marriage as a property arrangement. It reinforced the idea that familial and societal structures should be based on ownership rather than mutual respect.
  8. You shall not steal: By criminalizing theft, this commandment protected the property rights of the ruling class. It conveniently ignored the systemic theft embedded in the exploitation of labor and the unequal distribution of resources.
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor: This commandment discouraged whistleblowing or exposing the injustices perpetrated by the ruling class. It aimed to maintain a facade of righteousness while suppressing dissenting voices.
  10. You shall not covet: By framing desire as sinful, this commandment discouraged aspirations for a more equitable society. It sought to suppress the natural yearning for a better life and redirected blame onto individuals rather than the oppressive system.

In this critical interpretation, the Ten Commandments emerge not as moral imperatives but as a cleverly devised tool of control, designed to perpetuate the power and wealth of the ruling class by stifling dissent, preserving societal hierarchies, and maintaining the illusion of divine endorsement for their authority.

Marxism As Commodity

The proletariat screams, but their cries are muffled by the plush cushions of capitalist comfort. Marxism, once a revolutionary fist raised against the iron cage of capital, has become a trendy t-shirt slogan, a badge of rebellion ironically displayed on iPhones assembled in exploited factories.

The critique of the bourgeoisie has been co-opted, repackaged, and sold back to the very class it sought to dismantle. The simulacrum of revolution becomes the revolution itself. Protests are staged events, meticulously curated for social media consumption. Dissidence, a performance art, dissenters playing pre-assigned roles in the grand social drama.

The masses, lulled into a sense of false consciousness by the spectacle. They believe their ironic consumption of Marxist symbols is a form of rebellion, unaware of the elaborate game they are playing.

We’ve entered the phase of simulacrum communism. The critique of the system has been absorbed, packaged, and re-sold back to the masses as a comforting critique. Bourgeois society, in its infinite cunning, has co-opted the language of revolution, turning it into a fashionable pose. Critical theory, a cut-up job gone wrong, the scalpel turned dull by overuse. Academic jargon, a virus infecting discourse, turning complex ideas into sterile abstractions. The revolution becomes an intellectual game, played out in seminar rooms, far removed from the grimy realities of the working class.

The dialectic, a dead meme. Class struggle, a retro fashion statement. We critique the system within the system’s own marketplace of ideas. Dissidence becomes a commodity, rebellion a boutique brand. The bourgeoisie co-opts the language of revolution, selling us Che Guevara t-shirts and ironic Marxist mugs. The masses, wired on instant gratification, channel their frustration into performative anger on social media – a fleeting rebellion that evaporates with the next dopamine hit.

The revolution becomes a spectacle, a pre-scripted performance where the lines between the actors and the audience blur. Everyone gets a taste of dissent, a sense of participation, without ever truly disrupting the power structures. The commodity form conquers all. Marxist merch floods the market – vintage hammer and sickle pendants dangle next to Che Guevara baseball caps. The very tools of critique become objects of desire, their power to challenge the system neutered by the logic of consumption.

The word “alienation” becomes a hashtag, a meaningless signifier in the vast social media swamp. Workers are alienated, yes, but mostly alienated from their iPhones, their carefully curated online personas. The factory floor replaced by the endless scroll, the assembly line by the algorithm. The proletariat fragmented, a million micro-revolutions waged in comment sections and Twitter threads. The revolution televised, livestreamed, monetized. No grand narratives, just fleeting outbursts of outrage, quickly forgotten in the next news cycle.

But wait… a glitch in the matrix! Beneath the layers of simulation, a flicker of genuine discontent. The system, in its relentless pursuit of profit, creates the very contradictions that will eventually lead to its downfall. The revolution may not be televised, but perhaps it will be live-streamed. A chaotic eruption, a viral uprising that breaks free from the pre-ordained script. The Naked Lunch beckons, offering a glimpse beyond the hyperreal, a taste of the raw, unfiltered anger that could yet consume the hollow simulacrum.

Or perhaps it’s all just a cynical game. We play along, aware of the absurdity, forever trapped in the loop of simulacrum revolution. A hollow laugh echoes in the vast emptiness of late capitalism, the only sound that dares to challenge the comforting hum of the simulation. Is this rebellion or just another performance piece? Does it matter in the end? We are all players, all consumers, all trapped in the Marxist Marketplace. The only escape? A laugh, a scream, a glitch in the system, a reminder that beneath the simulation, the anger still burns.

The ghost of Marx, a digital spectre haunting the halls of Starbucks. Perhaps the true revolution lies not in the ironic display of symbols, but in the act of jamming the system itself. A cynical smirk. Perhaps the only act of true resistance is the awareness of the hyperreal charade. To see through the simulacrum, to laugh in the face of the commodity revolution, and to create something truly new, something outside the pre-defined script.