What a Strange Trip this has Been # 9

Maybe the real horror show isn’t that we’re regressing to blood and soil instincts, but that this whole “American Dream” was a con from the start, a freakish sideshow designed to keep the rubes and yokels fixated on an illusion of power, freedom, and superiority. The goons in their red, white, and blue costumes waving flags and chanting slogans don’t realize that the true essence of being American isn’t about tribalism or some primal connection to the land. That’s the snake oil they’ve been fed by the hucksters and charlatans who need the masses to stay blind, fat, and obedient.

No, being American is about a perpetual motion forward, a goddamn refusal to stagnate in the muck of ancient hatreds and archaic loyalties. It’s about embracing the chaos, the contradictions, the glorious mess of a nation built on the rubble of failed utopias and broken promises. It’s about flipping the bird to anyone who tries to drag us back into the swamp of nativism and fear, where the only truth is the one you can bludgeon your neighbor into accepting.

But here we are, teetering on the edge of regression, while the real puppet masters—the corporate overlords, the bureaucratic vampires, the power brokers with their greasy fingers in every pie—smirk from their towers, knowing they’ve got the rabble right where they want them. They’re laughing, not because they share in these blood and soil fantasies, but because they know they’ve sold the most lethal drug of all: the illusion that America was ever about anything more than the constant, relentless hustle for survival in a world that never gave a damn about where you came from or what you believed.

If being American means anything, it’s the rejection of the past’s suffocating grip, the instinct to scorch the earth rather than let the weeds of old world fears take root. It’s the idea that nothing is sacred except the drive to keep moving, keep evolving, keep tearing down whatever idols the fearful and the small-minded try to erect in the name of stability. Blood and soil are the shackles that keep you grounded when you should be soaring into the unknown, into the future, where the only true American instinct should be to burn down the old and build something new, again and again, until the whole damned system shakes itself apart in a beautiful, chaotic dance of freedom and madness.

Historiography and Plot Technologies

Plot is useful in the service of an appropriate model of the universe but we should not create a model of the universe to service plot.

A bad plot can rarely be overcome by more plot.

Narrativium, the imaginary element introduced by Terry Pratchett in his Discworld series, represents the power of storytelling to shape our understanding of the world. Stories and narratives are an integral part of human culture and communication. They help us make sense of the world around us, provide entertainment, and convey important messages. However, when it comes to creating narratives, there is a danger of prioritizing plot over accuracy or truth. In other words, we should not create a model of the universe to service plot.

The problem with prioritizing plot is that it can lead to inaccuracies and oversimplifications. When we try to fit the universe into a specific plot or narrative, we risk ignoring or downplaying information that does not fit with our preconceived notions. This can result in a distorted view of reality that does not accurately reflect the complexity and nuance of the world we live in. Narrativium makes analogies and historiography difficult because it leads us to simplify complex issues and create patterns where there may be none. We tend to remember the few who succeed and forget the many who fail, attributing success to skill and hard work rather than variance and luck.

The goal of storytelling should be to convey truth and meaning, not simply to entertain. When we prioritize plot over truth, we risk losing sight of this goal and promoting inaccurate or harmful ideas. Therefore, we should strive to create narratives that are grounded in truth and accuracy, and resist the urge to shape the universe to fit our predetermined plotlines. By doing so, we can create stories that not only entertain but also inspire and inform.

To counteract this tendency, it’s important to recognize the role of chance in shaping events. Nassim Taleb’s concept of alternative histories is useful here: if we were to relive a set of events 1000 times, the range of outcomes would likely be much broader than we imagine. Human history is not deterministic, and we should be wary of creating a simplistic narrative that imposes a teleology or notion of progress onto the past.

One approach to studying these processes is through the use of Bayesian networks. Bayesian networks are probabilistic models that allow us to map out the factors that lead to certain outcomes. They can be used to identify the variables that are most strongly associated with particular inventions or social behaviors. By examining the relationships between these variables, we can begin to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that drive historical change.

For example, imagine we want to understand why the Industrial Revolution occurred in Britain during the 18th and 19th centuries. Using a Bayesian network, we could identify variables such as access to capital, technological innovation, and labor supply as key factors that contributed to the rise of industrialization. We could then examine how these factors interacted with one another, and what role they played in creating a favorable environment for innovation and economic growth.

Another important concept in understanding historical processes is the idea of auto-catalysis. Auto-catalytic processes refer to the ways in which certain factors can feed back on themselves, creating positive or negative feedback loops that amplify or dampen their effects over time. This can be seen in many areas of human history, from the spread of language and culture to the evolution of political systems and economic institutions.

For example, imagine that a particular innovation, such as the printing press, is developed in a particular society. As more people begin to use the printing press, its benefits become more apparent, and demand for printed materials increases. This creates a positive feedback loop, in which the use of the printing press is amplified by its own success. Similarly, negative feedback loops can occur when the consequences of a particular behavior lead to its own inhibition or restriction.

By examining these auto-catalytic processes, we can gain a better understanding of the factors that contribute to historical change. We can see how certain innovations and social behaviors spread through a society, and how they interact with other factors to create new systems and institutions.

Ultimately, the power of narrativium lies in its ability to help us make sense of the world around us. However, we should not create a model of the universe to service plot. Rather, we should strive for a nuanced understanding of the past that recognizes the complex interplay of chance and human agency. By doing so, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and diversity of human history.

In conclusion, to truly understand how human history evolves, we need to look beyond individual actors and events and focus on the underlying processes that shape social behavior. Bayesian networks can help us map out the factors that lead to invention, standardization, and replication, while auto-catalytic processes highlight the ways in which these factors can interact with one another to create complex feedback loops. By studying these processes, we can gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that drive historical change, and how they shape the world we live in today.

The Black Death and Global Warming

The historical record suggests that climate events have played a significant role in shaping human history. One example of this is the spread of the plague, or Black Death, which devastated Europe in the 14th century. Recent research indicates that the plague was reintroduced to Europe multiple times following Asian climate events.

Using tree-ring based climate records from Europe and Asia, researchers have identified periods of wet conditions, followed by droughts, across parts of Central Asia. These conditions were tough for rodents in the region, which are traditionally the hosts of the plague bacterium, and their numbers would plummet. Infected fleas would seek new hosts, often latching onto passing human traders or their camels.

It is not yet clear exactly how the plague made its way westward. However, we know that 14-16 years after the rodent-killing drought, plague would often be reintroduced into Europe. The delay may seem long, but following a dry period, it would take a year or two for the rodent population to crash and fleas to come into contact with humans. Then the disease would need to travel some 2,500 miles to Europe, covering about 250 miles per year.

The Black Death was not a one-off event. It marked the beginning of the second plague pandemic in Europe, which only disappeared from the continent after the Great Plague of London in 1665-1666. If the “reservoir” thesis were correct, we would expect plague outbreaks to be associated with local climate fluctuations, through changes in agricultural yields and primary productions in forests, affecting the number of urban and wildlife rodents, resulting in more plague.

These findings have important implications for understanding the potential impacts of climate change on human health. As the global temperature continues to rise, we may see the release of ancient bacteria from permafrost that has been buried for millennia. This could pose a serious risk to human populations, as these biological agents could trigger new outbreaks of disease that we are not equipped to handle.

For example, in the 1340s, a 1.5-degree movement of heating of the Earth’s atmosphere — probably because of solar flares or volcanic activity — changed the cycle of the Yersinia pestis bacterium. That 1½-degree difference allowed a small microbe to develop into the Black Death.

There are recent examples of melting permafrost presenting a serious hazard to people. In 2016, a 12-year-old boy died and over 40 people were hospitalized in Siberia after having been infected by anthrax released when high summer temperatures melted permafrost.

In conclusion, the historical record indicates that climate events have played a significant role in shaping human history. The spread of the plague, or Black Death, is just one example of this. Recent research suggests that the plague was reintroduced to Europe multiple times following Asian climate events. These findings have important implications for understanding the potential impacts of climate change on human health, and highlight the need for urgent action to mitigate its effects.

Dying Well: Identity

The topic of dying and death is often avoided in Western culture, and yet it is an inevitable part of life. It is a subject that is shrouded in fear, denial, and avoidance. However, there is a growing movement towards dying well and dying wise, acknowledging death as a part of life and preparing for it in a meaningful way.

To die well and die wise means to approach death with grace, dignity, and acceptance. It is about being present in the moment, letting go of fear and attachment, and embracing the mystery of what comes next. It is about being open to the possibility of transformation and growth, even in the face of death.

The tyranny of hope is the idea that hope can become oppressive when it is used as a way to deny or avoid the reality of death. It can prevent people from facing their fears and preparing for death in a meaningful way. Instead, it can lead to false optimism and denial, which can ultimately lead to a lack of preparation and acceptance when death finally comes.

The concept of identity is also intertwined with the topic of dying well and dying wise. Identity is the accumulation of thoughts and emotions that create the feeling of being a separate entity. However, Eastern religions and psychedelic experiences suggest that a loss of attachment to this separate sense of self can lead to a deeper connection with the world around us.

As we age, we have the opportunity to develop the skill of becoming an elder, which involves embracing the wisdom and experience that comes with age. It is a time to reflect on our lives, let go of attachments, and prepare for the inevitable end. However, this skill is becoming more important than ever as we face the challenges of an aging population and a changing world.

In conclusion, the idea of dying well and dying wise challenges us to confront our fears and approach death with acceptance, grace, and dignity. It requires us to let go of false optimism and the tyranny of hope, and embrace the transformative power of loss and change. As we age, we have the opportunity to become elders, to reflect on our lives, and to prepare for the inevitable end. This is a skill that is becoming increasingly important in our changing world, and it is one that we must all strive to develop.

Anti-Cthulhu: Attractor in the Temporal Dimension

The evolution of life on Earth has led to the emergence of a wide variety of species, each with its unique characteristics and adaptations. However, humans stand out as a radical break from the biological organization that came before us. We possess a level of cognitive and social complexity that is unparalleled in the animal kingdom, and we have created societies and technologies that have transformed the planet in ways that no other species has ever done. In this essay, we will explore the idea that humans are a response to an attractor ahead in the temporal dimension, which has led to our exceptional characteristics and achievements.

Firstly, let us consider the concept of attractors. An attractor is a theoretical construct in the study of complex systems that describes a set of stable states that the system tends towards. Attractors are often used to explain the behavior of physical, biological, and social systems. In the case of human evolution, the concept of attractors can help us understand why we have evolved to be so different from other species.

One theory is that humans are a response to an attractor in the temporal dimension. This means that the evolution of humans was not just a result of random genetic mutations and natural selection but was guided by some underlying force that was pulling us towards a specific endpoint. This attractor could be thought of as a future state or goal that human evolution was striving towards.

What might this attractor be? One possibility is that it is related to the emergence of complex societies and the development of culture. Humans have a unique ability to transmit knowledge and skills across generations, which has allowed us to build on the achievements of our ancestors and create ever more complex and sophisticated technologies and institutions. This has led to the emergence of large-scale societies and the formation of interconnected global networks.

Another possibility is that the attractor is related to the development of consciousness and self-awareness. Humans are the only species on Earth that we know of that possess a subjective experience of the world. We are aware of ourselves as individuals, and we have the ability to reflect on our thoughts and emotions. This has allowed us to develop complex social relationships, to create art and literature, and to ask profound philosophical questions about the nature of existence.

The idea that humans are a response to an attractor in the temporal dimension has implications for how we understand our place in the universe. It suggests that human evolution is not just a random process but is part of a larger trajectory that is leading towards a specific endpoint. This does not necessarily imply that humans are the pinnacle of evolution or that we are the ultimate goal of the universe. Rather, it suggests that we are part of a larger process of emergence that is leading towards greater complexity and sophistication.

In conclusion, the idea that humans are a response to an attractor ahead in the temporal dimension provides a compelling explanation for our exceptional characteristics and achievements. Whether this attractor is related to the development of complex societies or the emergence of consciousness, it suggests that human evolution is part of a larger trajectory that is leading towards greater complexity and sophistication. This idea challenges us to think beyond our individual lives and to consider our place in the larger context of the universe.

Knocking At Your Back Door

Progressivism is a political philosophy that advocates for social, political, and economic reforms. It seeks to address social inequality, discrimination, and other societal issues. While progressivism has gained momentum in recent years, it has also faced fierce opposition, particularly from individuals in their 50s, 40s, and 60s. These individuals represent the last generation that had the option of selling out and becoming secure, property-owning bastions of the status quo. They were largely responsible for closing the door behind them, and their opposition to progressivism is rooted in this history.

The opposition to progressivism from individuals in their 50s, 40s, and 60s is not surprising. For many of these individuals, progressivism represents a threat to the status quo that they have worked so hard to maintain. They have invested significant time and effort in building their careers, accumulating wealth, and securing their positions in society. They see progressivism as a challenge to their hard-won success and a threat to their way of life.

Moreover, these individuals represent the last generation that had the option of selling out. In the past, young radicals had the option of pursuing careers in the corporate world, accumulating wealth, and becoming part of the status quo. However, this option is no longer available to young people today. The corporate world has become more competitive, and the prospects for upward mobility are more limited than they were in the past.

These individuals were largely responsible for closing the door behind them. They built a society that rewards conformity, hard work, and obedience. They created a system that values wealth, status, and power above all else. They established institutions that protect their interests and maintain the status quo. They did all of this to secure their own futures, but in doing so, they created a system that is resistant to change.

The Baby Boomer generation, those born between 1946 and 1964, have had a profound impact on American society. This generation benefited from policies that provided them with access to education, healthcare, and homeownership, which led to unprecedented prosperity. However, as they entered into their 40s, 50s, and 60s, many Baby Boomers have systematically shut down these policies, which has negatively impacted future generations.

One of the most significant policies that Baby Boomers benefited from was the expansion of public education. The GI Bill, signed into law in 1944, provided returning World War II veterans with access to free college education. This policy allowed many Baby Boomers to attend college and pursue high-paying careers, which contributed to the economic prosperity of the 1950s and 1960s. However, as Baby Boomers aged, they began to oppose funding for public education, leading to decreased funding for schools, teacher salaries, and school programs.

Another policy that Baby Boomers benefited from was the expansion of healthcare. The passage of Medicare and Medicaid in the 1960s provided healthcare coverage for millions of Americans, including many Baby Boomers. These programs helped to reduce the cost of healthcare for seniors, which allowed them to access necessary medical treatments without incurring significant debt. However, as Baby Boomers aged, they began to oppose the expansion of healthcare, leading to decreased funding for programs that provide access to care for low-income Americans.

Homeownership is another policy that Baby Boomers benefited from, and one that they have systematically shut down for future generations. The 30-year period following World War II saw a significant increase in homeownership, which contributed to the economic growth of the 1950s and 1960s. However, as Baby Boomers aged, they began to oppose policies that promote affordable housing, leading to decreased funding for affordable housing programs and policies that make it more difficult for low-income Americans to access homeownership.

The policies that Baby Boomers benefited from allowed them to achieve unprecedented prosperity and success, but as they aged, they began to shut down these policies, leading to a decline in the quality of life for future generations. The opposition to funding for public education, healthcare, and affordable housing has made it more difficult for younger Americans to access the same opportunities that Baby Boomers had.

It is time for Baby Boomers to recognize the impact of their actions and support policies that promote equity and opportunity for all Americans. The same policies that allowed them to achieve success should be available to future generations, and it is essential that they work to ensure that these policies are funded and expanded.

In conclusion, the Baby Boomer generation benefited from policies that provided access to education, healthcare, and homeownership. However, as they aged, they began to systematically shut down these policies, which has negatively impacted future generations. It is time for Baby Boomers to recognize the impact of their actions and support policies that promote equity and opportunity for all Americans. The same policies that allowed them to achieve success should be available to future generations, and it is essential that they work to ensure that these policies are funded and expanded.

The opposition to progressivism from individuals in their 50s, 40s, and 60s is not only rooted in their history, but it is also fueled by their fears for the future. They fear that progressivism will upend the system they have created, and that they will lose their wealth, status, and power. They fear that progressivism will lead to social and economic instability, and that their way of life will be threatened.

In conclusion, the opposition to progressivism from individuals in their 50s, 40s, and 60s is rooted in their history and their fears for the future. These individuals represent the last generation that had the option of selling out and becoming part of the status quo. They were largely responsible for closing the door behind them, but it is important to recognize that progressivism is not a threat to them, but rather an opportunity. Progressivism seeks to address the societal issues that they themselves have identified, and it seeks to create a more equitable and just society for all. It is time for these individuals to embrace progressivism and work together to build a better future for everyone.

Reification: Low Hanging Fruit

In the world of music, there is a common expression used to describe something that is easy to achieve or attain, but may lack depth or originality: “low-hanging fruit”. In the context of rock music, the concept of “low-hanging fruit” can refer to the use of common musical cliches or overused chord progressions that are easy to play but may limit the potential for creativity and self-expression. In this essay, we will explore how the reification of “low-hanging fruit” in rock music can create barriers to self-expression in the genre’s vocabulary.

Reification is the process of transforming an abstract concept into something concrete or tangible. In the context of rock music, reification can refer to the transformation of an artistic expression into a product that can be marketed and sold. The use of “low-hanging fruit” in rock music can contribute to this process, as it can lead to the homogenization of the genre, where all the music sounds the same and lacks individuality and creativity.

The use of common musical cliches and overused chord progressions in rock music can be traced back to the emergence of the genre in the 1950s and 1960s. Many of the early rock and roll songs followed a simple 12-bar blues progression, which was easy to play and became a standard in the genre. As rock music evolved, other chord progressions became popular, such as the I-IV-V progression or the relative minor progression. These progressions were easy to learn and play, and many bands started using them as a formula for their songs.

However, the overuse of these progressions and other musical cliches can limit the potential for creativity and self-expression in rock music. When a musical vocabulary becomes standardized, it can create barriers for artists to express their unique ideas and emotions. Instead of exploring new sounds, ideas, and approaches, artists may feel pressured to follow the established norms and conventions of the genre, which can stifle their creativity and originality.

This create barriers to self-expression in the genre’s vocabulary. The overuse of common musical cliches and overused chord progressions can limit the potential for creativity and originality, and contribute to the homogenization of the genre.

Music has become a powerful tool in promoting consumerism. Songs and music videos often feature brands and products, with artists being used as spokespersons for commercial products. Many musicians have been co-opted into promoting consumerist lifestyles, with their images and music being used to sell products and services to consumers. This has led to the reification of consumerist behaviors, where material possessions and lifestyle choices are elevated to the status of cultural values.

The exaptation of music has had both positive and negative effects on the industry. On the one hand, it has enabled artists to reach a wider audience and monetize their music in new and innovative ways. On the other hand, it has led to concerns about the impact of commercialization on the artistic integrity of music and the ability of artists to express themselves freely without being constrained by commercial considerations.

No matter where you stand on this, it’s obvious that all facets Rock’n’Roll, be it prog, Metal, blues, indie etc faces a mounting artistic problem: that almost everything about it is a foregone conclusion: from the intro riffs to the choruses all the way down to the lyrics. Getting new is harder.

There are riffs and there are bridges and there are choruses And this wouldn’t be so bad if was in service of a larger musical idea. But no. But all we get is well worn references linked together with forgettable filler. A big budget greatest hits medley.


So, let’s talk about the Black Keys and how their music borrow from other composers and bands. I should say at the outset, that I own all Black keys album and have enjoyed their music, and I should also say it’s impossible for a piece of music to avoid doing this. Dan Auberbach and Patrick Carney don’t really begin each new work with a completely ‘blank canvas’ because they carry with them what the philosopher Theodor Adorno calls ‘the handed-down musical materials of history’ — which are the genres, tonalities, structures and other musical traditions that we all grow up with.

Things that already have meanings, rules and associations tied to them. So music is always reified to a certain degree. While writing the music for their albums, The Black keys or QOTSA or the Foo Fighters draw from a large range of well known sources. There’s heavy referencing of Led Zeppelin, Canned Heat, Jim Kimborough, Bachman Turner Overdrive etc. While Patrick Carney grew up on punk groups like The Clash and the Cramps, Dan Auerbach came up on bluesmen like Junior Kimbrough and southern rockers like Lynyrd Skynyrd. Throw in Steppenwolf, T. Rex, and Captain Beefheart/.

“Little Black Submarines” is very similar to “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin but I’m not saying that Black Keys or QOTSA are plagiarists or hacks because the artistry in their music is in combining musical ideas with pre-existing meanings to form new meaning, breathing life into the original genres and conjuring a sense of otherworldliness and fantastical adventure. Like all music, there is a certain degree of reification going on, but it’s very creative.

So the problem then is one of degrees. In other words, there comes a point where a piece of music is so reified that it’s glued up completely; where its meaning is so obvious that there’s no room for maneuver. This can be illustrated by looking at the newer albums QUOTSA, FOO FIGHTERS — which for me sit here on the reification-o-metre (- pretty reified.- very reified).

This time, they are working without Danger Mouse, the producer whose modern/retro fusion helped prime the band for their crossover. His fingerprints in particular were all over the psychedelic hodgepodge of Turn Blue and its kitchen-sink strings and keyboards. “Let’s Rock,” in turn, opts for a streamlined approach: just Auerbach, Carney, a pair of backing vocalists and as many overdubs as it takes to get the job done.

In truth, Danger Mouse’s absence leaves more room for riffs, and “Let’s Rock” doesn’t skimp on them. “Shine a Little Light” kicks off with a torrent of brawling guitars, the embodiment of those old speaker ads with the guy in a chair blowing away his living room. “Lo/Hi,” about reckless thrills and brutal comedowns, is even more undeniable, pure leather-jacketed swagger.

Most of “Let’s Rock” hits its mark, but sometimes the band cribs so overtly from their influences that it feels like cheating off of a test. The guitars on “Walk Across the Water” ape the suave glide of T. Rex’s “Jeepster,” while “Sit Around and Miss You” lifts its lick so shamelessly from Stealers Wheel’s “Stuck in the Middle With You” that it’s hard to hear it without picturing Michael Madsen slicing off a dude’s ear.

Elsewhere the influences are subtler — shades of Steely Dan in the amplified soft-rock of “Breaking Down,” a hint of the Isley Brothers in the nimble lick of “Tell Me Lies.” The Black Keys are no longer really drawing from different musical inspirations to create new experiences. They are largely drawing from himself to create the same experience.

Since so many big moments rely on pre-existing material. And the problem with reusing pre-existing material is one of diminishing returns. At its worst, rehashed music can descend into meaninglessness. To give an example of what I mean, let’s look at the use of Wagners ‘Ride of the Valkeries’ in film.

When used in Apocalypse now it was a deliberate artistic juxtaposition — drawing from the original meaning of the music to provide a subtext of false glory and horror. It was done to make us think. Now let’s look at it’s reuse in the film ‘Watchmen’ directed by Zack Snyder.

The music here isn’t appropriate at all because the intention of this part of the story, written by the fantastic Alan Moore, was to illustrate the complicated inner struggles and regrets of one of the main characters. But Snyder, as always, employs the lowest common denominator approach: ‘since Apocalypse Now takes place in Vietnam and this scene takes place in Vietnam let’s just use the Apocalypse Now music.

The music is now super-reified. Ride of the Valkyries isn’t being used for any deeper meaning — it just means ‘Vietnam — but also, remember Apocalypse Now?’.

And it’s this meaninglessness that Rock’n’Roll is in danger of going towards if mishandled. lifted the well worn themes we’ve heard a million times and placed them at strategic moments to achieve maximum cliche.


During and immediately after World War II, with shortages of fuel and limitations on audiences large jazz bands tended to be replaced by smaller combos, using guitars, bass and drums. In the same period, particularly on the West Coast and in the Midwest, the development of jump blues, with its guitar riffs, prominent beats and shouted lyrics, prefigured many later developments. Keith Richards proposes that Chuck Berry developed his brand of rock and roll by transposing the familiar two-note lead line of jump blues piano directly to the electric guitar, creating what is instantly recognizable as rock guitar. Similarly, country boogie and Chicago electric blues supplied many of the elements that would be seen as characteristic of rock and roll.

So now, what’s possibly the most reflective and powerful weapon in Rock’n’Roll is just being thrown around to give weight to a moment that would otherwise feel pretty silly. This I think gets to the route of the problem. The original use of guitars had enormous power because of how it was structured. Inspired by electric blues, Chuck Berry introduced an aggressive guitar sound to rock and roll, and established the electric guitar as its centrepiece, adapting his rock band instrumentation from the basic blues band instrumentation of a lead guitar, second chord instrument, bass and drums.

65 years later and there is never a moment when I felt it was being used as a storytelling device as much as a dog whistle. It doesn’t provide any kind of deeper meaning or allow me to ponder or interpret way was going on. Its sole function was to point out when something rock related was happening, which I already knew about because I’m listening to the album. This is extreme reification and it hurts the movie. Perhaps it’s time to consider organizing rock’n’ roll in a different way. It doesn’t have to be based on guitars.Or it could be different guitars. Think King Gizzard and the Lizzard Wizard microtonal guitars.

This music was new to us and we now associate it with youthful folly and their plight. Later on, when it branches out into different styles like progressive rock etc it emerges more powerfully. It’s now tragic because the Boomer’s wish has been granted in the most horrible possible way. Then, at the climax of the genre, the theme reappears one more time to mark the moment that boomers overcome their self-doubt, thereby completing their character arc in a meaningful and satisfying way.

The style develops as the boomers develops. This is how you tell a story with music. Now look again at the Black keys. Oh look… it’s that guy… from the commercial … except the music is now telling you what to feel. It isn’t earned. It’s cashing in that cheque written by the original generation. But it’s not a blank cheque. Eventually, this theme will lose its potency completely, it will become a known artefact that disallows interpretation.

So part of the problem here is audience expectation. I’m going to call this the ‘I know what that is’ conundrum. Because we’re all familiar with the Rock’n’Roll musical language. ….. Composers are faced with the choice of either referencing that language or abandoning it to create new music. With the latter, composers open themselves up to criticism by not doing what people expect and run the risk of their creative experiments failing.

By quoting established material, they’re guaranteed some degree of acceptance while avoiding the possibility of misinterpretation. Audiences are often very insistent on seeing and hearing things that they recognise and the compulsion to give into this demand is very powerful

Being different is dangerous but it’s also the only way to achieve new heights. This leads me to a quick aside about Rock’n’Roll as a consumer product: many post-marxist thinkers use the concept of reification to attack aspects of modern capitalism. One famous argument, again from the philosopher Theodor Adorno is that art in capitalist societies have a tendency towards intellectual stagnation due to the financial interests involved — because complicated and thought-provoking art is less likely to appeal to mass audiences it will therefore will not satisfy one of the hallmarks of capitalism, which of course is mass production motivated by profit.

Now, it’s not hard to see how the Rock’n’Roll collapsing industry can be used as an example to back up this argument — with what remains of the music industry being too afraid to deviate from customer expectation and choosing bands who are happy to churn out very similar material over and over again. It’s up to you to decide to what extent this is happening but it seems to me pretty obvious that it is, at least, happening.



So one of the unfortunate consequences of businesses appropriating this kind of music for advertising is that corporate hacks get so used to it. It’s not long before it begins to affect how they communicate through music with their customers.

The purpose of using music is to help sell the idea that product being sold is the culmination of some kind of profound altruistic endeavor aimed at the betterment of humanity. And when they’re not going the ‘we’re making the world a better place’ route… then … sigh… they instead go for the ‘isn’t life just awesome!’ route.

Then there is we’ve designed a ludicrously expensive gadget to help — until it breaks or until we design something even more expensive. Let’s make the world a brighter place by wasting our disposable income!

For this you’ll need monorhythmic piano chords. Every year the destruction of the Amazon Rain Forest intensifies. This makes us sad. Here at Shell, we are sad. And that’s what Music that stands for Late Stage Capitalism is. Pretending. Pretending to be something a human would write

And no matter how hard it tries, it just can’t help but reflect the banality and inauthenticity of the corporation that uses it. And that, I suppose, is the one emotional insight it’s capable of providing… it is a pretty accurate portrayal of what corporate life is really like: dull, hackneyed and completely lacking in substance.


Tchaikovsky was working on the first movement of his 4th symphony in 1877. However, he was faced with a problem: at that time, the first movement of a symphony was always structured according to something called ‘sonata form’ — a detailed process where two very small musical ideas are weaved together to form a large musical journey.

This is a very analytical and abstract way of writing — where the goal is sense of musical ‘resolution’ at the end. However, this formula didn’t sit well with some Romantic composers at the time because it resisted their more modern interest in storytelling and biographical self-expression.

In this case, Tchaikovsky was in the middle of a personal crisis: he had recently married — a move generally considered to have been a smokescreen to hide his homosexuality from the public — and it had ended in acrimonious disaster after only a couple of months, leaving him with feelings of depression and alienation. So going into his 4th symphony, it was these emotions that he wanted to express.

But the highly technical framework of the sonata form was a problem: feelings relating to an identity crisis are difficult to express when following a tried and tested formula. However, due to audience expectation, Tchaikovsky didn’t feel that he could simply discard sonata form altogether and so decided to make some now very famous alteration— the insertion of an unexpected waltz in the first movement.

By today’s standards that sounds almost laughably unrevolutionary but consider the social function of the waltz at that time: found at events where young men and women of the elite would dance, form connections and generally have a good time. Tchaikovsky’s use of the waltz — shoved into a structure it was never intended for — Mirrored his own feelings of social failure — an inability to dance in step with everyone else.

The emotional quality of the music was also unique — for all the attempts of the Waltz to sound light-hearted and frivolous, it was being knocked about by dark and turbulent symphonic forces — a hopeless display of frivolity that reflected the futile charade of his own marriage. In other words, Tchaikovsky took structural expectation and used it as a way to communicate something completely unique about his own experience.


So, in short, Rock’n’Roll needs to change. We should not as audiences expect to be pandered to by relentless reference to stuff we know. It will never satisfy us. The original tunes were, well, original and that’s the only thing — originality — that has any hope of delivering a truly breathtaking new Rock’n’Roll experience. And if that entails throwing away what we know so what? It’s a price worth paying. Familiarity and recognition are nice but they can never replace the feeling of a completely novel experience.

If you love it, set it free