iPhone 12

Explaining sarcasm

The statement “ceaselessly striving towards a future by revolutionizing the past” carries a tone of sarcasm. Let’s break it down:

  1. “Homage”: The use of the word “homage” implies that the iPhone 12 is not necessarily a groundbreaking innovation or a significant departure from its predecessor. Instead, it suggests that the iPhone 12 simply pays tribute to the design or features of the older iPhone 5.
  2. “Ceaselessly striving towards a future”: This phrase mocks the idea that Apple is constantly pushing the boundaries of technology and bringing revolutionary changes with each new iPhone release. It implies that the iPhone 12, despite being marketed as a new and advanced device, is merely recycling or repackaging old ideas from the past.
  3. “Revolutionizing the past”: This phrase adds another layer of sarcasm by suggesting that Apple’s approach to innovation involves revisiting and repurposing features or designs from previous iPhone models. It implies that instead of truly revolutionizing the future, Apple is relying on nostalgia or familiar elements to attract consumers.

Overall, the sarcasm in this statement highlights a sense of disappointment or cynicism towards the iPhone 12’s perceived lack of significant advancements compared to previous models. It suggests that the iPhone 12 may not live up to the expectations of being a groundbreaking leap forward in technology.

The Illusion of Control

The creative process hinges on relinquishing rather than exerting control. Many artists, writers, musicians, and creators in various fields have found that allowing a degree of freedom and letting go of rigid control can enhance the creative process. Here are a few points to consider:

  1. Flow and spontaneity: When we relinquish control, we create space for the natural flow of ideas and inspiration. By letting go of preconceived notions or strict plans, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and unexpected connections. This can lead to innovative and unique outcomes.
  2. Embracing the unknown: Creativity often involves venturing into uncharted territory, exploring new ideas, and taking risks. By relinquishing control, we embrace uncertainty and allow for experimentation. This can lead to breakthroughs and fresh perspectives that wouldn’t have been possible with a tightly controlled approach.
  3. Collaboration and collective creativity: In many creative endeavors, collaboration plays a significant role. When we relinquish control, we create an environment that encourages collaboration and allows others to contribute their ideas. By incorporating diverse perspectives and harnessing the collective creativity of a team, the final outcome can be enriched.
  4. Letting the process guide: Sometimes, forcing strict control can stifle the creative process. By relinquishing control, we allow the process itself to guide us. This means being receptive to the signals and cues that arise during the creative journey and being open to adapting and evolving our ideas accordingly.

However, it is important to note that the balance between control and letting go can vary for different individuals and creative projects. Some creators may thrive with a more structured approach, while others find freedom in relinquishing control. Ultimately, fantasies of Control flowing outward from you toward the world are moronic and catastrophic. Uncertainty is not a hostile force. It delivers new opportunities.

Here are some additional insights related to these points:

  1. When individuals hold rigid and unrealistic expectations of exerting absolute control over the world, it can lead to negative consequences. The world is inherently complex and unpredictable, and attempting to control every aspect can result in frustration, disappointment, and unintended consequences. Recognizing the limitations of control can help avoid these pitfalls.
  2. Embracing uncertainty: Uncertainty is an integral part of life and the creative process. Instead of fearing it, embracing uncertainty can open doors to new opportunities, fresh perspectives, and unexpected outcomes. It allows for adaptability, growth, and the exploration of uncharted territories. By accepting and working with uncertainty, individuals can navigate challenges and discover innovative solutions.
  3. New opportunities: Uncertainty often brings forth new opportunities that might not have been apparent in a controlled and predictable environment. When we let go of rigid control, we create space for serendipity, chance encounters, and novel ideas. Embracing uncertainty can lead to creative breakthroughs, personal growth, and the discovery of unexplored paths.
  4. Balance and flexibility: While relinquishing excessive control can be beneficial, it is important to maintain a balance. Some level of structure and planning can be useful in achieving goals and maintaining focus. It’s about finding a flexible approach that allows for both control when necessary and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

In summary, recognizing the limitations of control, embracing uncertainty, and being open to new opportunities can enhance the creative process and lead to positive outcomes. It’s a mindset that acknowledges the dynamic nature of the world and the potential for growth and innovation that comes with it.

The Freemium Dilemma

Balancing Value, Cost, and Lock-in

Introduction: The rise of freemium offerings in the digital age has provided users with access to a wide range of products and services at no upfront cost. However, this essay explores the concerns and complexities associated with the freemium model, examining its impact on consumer behavior, the challenges it poses to sustainable business models, and its potential for creating lock-in. While freemium has its benefits, it is important to evaluate its implications and strike a balance between offering value and avoiding unintended costs.

The Appeal and Pitfalls of Freemium: Freemium models initially attract users by offering free access to a subset of features or content, with the option to upgrade to a premium version for additional benefits. This approach can be enticing, as it allows individuals to try out a product or service before committing financially. However, the allure of free offerings can often lead to a distorted perception of value, where users become accustomed to expecting more without considering the underlying costs and sustainability of the business.

The Cost of Free: While freemium models can attract a broad user base, the cumulative cost of providing free offerings can be substantial. Companies must find ways to monetize their products or services to sustain their operations, often relying on upselling premium features, advertising, or user data. This can lead to a situation where users feel bombarded by attempts to extract money or personal information, eroding trust and diminishing the overall user experience.

The Lock-in Effect: One of the unintended consequences of freemium models is the potential for lock-in. The freemium strategy often aims to hook users by offering a taste of the product or service, making it difficult for them to switch to an alternative solution. This can create a sense of dependency and limit users’ ability to explore other options, hindering innovation and market competition.

The Importance of Price as an Indicator: In traditional markets, price acts as a signal of value and helps consumers distinguish between essential products (painkillers) and non-essential ones (vitamins). However, freemium models disrupt this pricing mechanism, making it challenging for users to gauge the true value of a product or service. The absence of a clear price point can result in misaligned expectations and a skewed perception of worth.

Mitigating Lock-in and Building Sustainable Models: To address the concerns associated with freemium models, businesses should consider implementing strategies that strike a balance between offering value and maintaining sustainable operations. This includes transparent pricing structures, clearly communicating the benefits of premium offerings, and allowing users to easily transition between different solutions without being locked into a particular platform.

Conclusion: Freemium models have revolutionized the way products and services are offered, providing access to a vast range of options at no upfront cost. However, it is crucial to critically evaluate the implications of freemium, including its impact on user behavior, the challenges it poses to sustainable business models, and the potential for creating lock-in. By striking a balance between value and cost, fostering transparency, and prioritizing user choice and flexibility, businesses can navigate the complexities of the freemium landscape while providing a positive user experience and promoting healthy market competition.

If you’re still attached to the idea of having ideas you’re not yet mastering the essential principle

The Essential Principle: Channeling Ideas from

In the realm of idea development, it is crucial to recognize that ideas are not products of possession but rather manifestations. This essay explores the concept of the essential principle, emphasizing that ideas flow through the collective, awaiting receptive minds equipped with the necessary tools for comprehension and implementation. By understanding this dynamic, we can cultivate a mindset that encourages openness, curiosity, and the acquisition of tools to effectively harness the ideas that surround us.

The Fluid Nature of Ideas: Ideas are intangible entities that exist beyond individual ownership. They transcend boundaries, emerging from the collective consciousness and the interconnectedness of human experiences. Acknowledging the fluid nature of ideas allows us to shift our perspective from seeking to possess ideas to becoming conduits for their expression and realization.

Tools for Idea Reception: To effectively channel ideas from the ether, we must develop and refine the tools necessary for reception. These tools encompass a range of skills and attributes, including knowledge acquisition, critical thinking, creativity, and intuition. Through continuous learning, honing our abilities, and expanding our intellectual and emotional capacities, we enhance our receptivity to the ideas that permeate the ether.

The Role of Openness and Curiosity: Openness and curiosity serve as gateways to the exploration of ideas. By cultivating a mindset free from preconceptions and rigid beliefs, we create a receptive space for ideas to flow into our consciousness. Embracing a childlike curiosity enables us to inquire, question, and seek understanding, expanding our receptivity to the vast array of ideas circulating in the ether.

Transcending the Self: To truly tap into the wellspring of ideas, we must transcend the limitations of the self. Ego-driven desires for personal ownership can impede the free flow of ideas. Instead, fostering a mindset of collaboration, shared knowledge, and collective growth opens the door to a richer and more diverse range of ideas to explore and integrate.

The Power of Implementation: While ideas may originate from the ether, their impact lies in their application. Ideas gain substance and influence when we take the initiative to transform them into tangible actions and creations. Implementation requires discipline, perseverance, and a deep understanding of the tools at our disposal. By bridging the gap between idea and execution, we fulfill our role as active participants in the creative process.

Conclusion: Embracing the essential principle of idea reception involves recognizing that ideas transcend individual possession and originate from the collective ether. By cultivating the necessary tools, nurturing openness and curiosity, and transcending the self, we become receptive channels for the flow of ideas. Harnessing these ideas through thoughtful implementation allows us to manifest their transformative potential and contribute to the collective evolution of knowledge and human progress. By embracing this principle, we become co-creators in the intricate dance between the ethereal realm of ideas and our tangible reality.

Do ICBMs Dream of Electric Rockets

Pondering the Dreams of ICBMs: Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Imagination

Introduction: In the realm of technology and human imagination, curious questions often arise, blurring the boundaries between the tangible and the abstract. “Do ICBMs dream of electric rockets?” serves as a thought-provoking inquiry that compels us to contemplate the hidden aspirations and inherent nature of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). This essay delves into the metaphorical landscape of technology and explores the complex relationship between human ingenuity and the dreams encapsulated within these powerful machines.

The Dreams of ICBMs: While ICBMs themselves lack consciousness, their existence embodies the aspirations and visions of the people who conceive, construct, and control them. In the process of designing and deploying these formidable weapons, engineers and scientists channel their dreams of technological prowess, national security, and strategic deterrence. The dreams of ICBMs reflect our desire to exert influence over global affairs and safeguard our interests. They symbolize the fusion of human ambition and technological achievement, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Imagination and Technological Advancement: Imagination fuels the innovation that drives technological progress. The dreams of electric rockets, encompassing both the ICBMs themselves and the broader field of rocketry, spark our curiosity and inspire us to explore the frontiers of science and engineering. From the visionary dreams of rocket pioneers like Robert H. Goddard to the contemporary dreams of private space enterprises, the power of human imagination propels us toward new horizons.

Imbuing Technology with Dreams: Beyond the practical applications of technology, the dreams we infuse into these creations shape their trajectory and impact. ICBMs, as instruments of immense destructive power, embody the darker aspects of human ambitions, driven by geopolitical considerations and the pursuit of deterrence. However, it is essential to recognize that dreams can be multifaceted and encompass both constructive and destructive possibilities. The challenge lies in harnessing our collective dreams to create a world that values peace, cooperation, and shared progress.

The relationship between rockets and the phallus has been a subject of speculation and interpretation within various fields of study, including psychology, cultural studies, and gender studies. It is important to approach this topic with sensitivity and an understanding that different perspectives exist.

One interpretation suggests that the shape and trajectory of a rocket bear a resemblance to the phallus, a symbol often associated with male power, virility, and dominance. Rockets, with their elongated shape and upward propulsion, can evoke notions of masculinity, potency, and the conquest of space. This connection between rockets and the phallus has been explored in various contexts, including popular culture, artistic expressions, and psychoanalytic interpretations.

From a psychological standpoint, some theorists have drawn parallels between the symbolism of rockets and the concept of sublimation—a psychological process where individuals redirect their primal instincts, including sexual energy, into socially acceptable outlets. Rockets, as manifestations of human ingenuity and technological achievement, can be seen as a symbolic channeling of instinctual drives into productive and innovative endeavors.

Cultural and gender studies perspectives highlight the ways in which societal constructions of gender influence the associations between rockets and the phallus. The connection can be seen as a reflection of cultural norms and power dynamics, where masculine attributes and achievements are celebrated and associated with dominance, control, and conquest. This interpretation raises questions about the intersection of gender, technology, and the representation of power within societies.

The Ethical Dimension: As we contemplate the dreams of ICBMs and electric rockets, ethical considerations emerge. The development and deployment of such powerful technologies raise profound moral questions about the responsible use of these capabilities. Acknowledging the potential for devastation, we must critically examine our dreams and strive to align them with values that promote human well-being, global stability, and sustainable futures. The dreams of ICBMs should not solely revolve around destructive power but rather embrace dreams of peace, reconciliation, and harmonious coexistence.

Beyond Technology: Dreams of Exploration and Knowledge: While ICBMs primarily evoke associations with military applications, the broader field of rocketry kindles dreams of exploration, scientific discovery, and interstellar travel. From the dreams of space agencies to the aspirations of private space ventures, electric rockets represent the potential to extend our reach beyond Earth’s boundaries. They embody our longing to understand the universe, to unravel its mysteries, and to seek new frontiers of knowledge. Electric rockets become not just tools of destruction but also vessels for the pursuit of enlightenment and the expansion of human consciousness.

Conclusion: The question, “Do ICBMs dream of electric rockets?” serves as a poignant reminder that technology and imagination are intimately intertwined. As we contemplate the dreams encapsulated within these powerful machines, we are reminded of our collective responsibility to shape those dreams consciously. By nurturing dreams of peace, exploration, and human progress, we can steer technological advancements toward a future that embraces empathy, sustainability, and the betterment of humanity. In doing so, we transcend the limited narratives of destruction and open up new possibilities for the harmonious coexistence of technology and the human spirit.

The Casino Economy

The Casino Economy: Unraveling the Impacts and Gamifying a Transition

Introduction: The concept of a casino economy is a multifaceted one that encompasses both financial implications and its effects on labor markets. Not only does it involve the evaporation of trillions from public equity markets, but it also disrupts neighboring businesses by drawing labor supply towards the lucrative wages offered by casinos. This essay aims to explore the intricate dynamics of the casino economy, highlighting the labor market consequences and drawing parallels between the financial world and the gamification of human perception. Furthermore, it delves into the possibility of gamifying a transition from the casino-centric economy towards a model that aligns with the principles of the Green New Deal.

The Impact on Labor Supply: Casinos have the ability to lure employees away from neighboring sectors by offering higher wages. This phenomenon poses a challenge to businesses in the vicinity, as they struggle to retain skilled workers and maintain their productivity levels. The allure of increased pay and potentially better benefits provided by the casino industry often leads to labor shortages in other sectors, thereby disrupting the overall labor market equilibrium.

Parallels to Wall Street and Ads Technology: The concept of a casino economy can also be linked to Wall Street and advertisements technology, as all three involve gamifying human perception. Wall Street and the financial world, through their complex systems and algorithms, effectively put a price on human perception by turning investments into a game with variable rewards. Similarly, advertisements technology leverages gamification techniques to engage users and manipulate their behavior. Both these realms capitalize on the human inclination towards novelty, reward, and risk-taking, mirroring the dynamics found in a casino environment.

Imagining the Transition: Gamifying a Path to the Green New Deal: While the idea of transitioning away from the casino economy may seem challenging, if not daunting, gamification techniques could potentially play a role in facilitating such a shift. By implementing systems that offer rewards and incentives for engaging in sustainable practices and supporting initiatives aligned with the principles of the Green New Deal, individuals and communities can be motivated to participate actively in the transition. Through gamification, elements of competition, achievement, and reward can be utilized to create an engaging and immersive experience that encourages the adoption of environmentally-friendly behaviors.

Conclusion: The casino economy encompasses both financial implications and labor market effects, with casinos attracting employees through higher wages, thus impacting neighboring businesses. Parallels can be drawn between the casino economy and Wall Street or advertisements technology, highlighting the gamification of human perception. However, considering the challenges posed by the casino economy, the concept of gamifying a transition towards a model overlapping the Green New Deal provides an intriguing avenue. By harnessing the power of gamification techniques, it may be possible to create an engaging and rewarding experience that motivates individuals to actively participate in the shift towards a more sustainable and equitable future.

The Meaning Crisis

The Complexity of Meaning and the Limits of Consensus

Introduction: The pursuit of meaning has long captivated human beings, but what if our fixation on finding a singular, unambiguous meaning in every instance has blinded us to the intricate nature of existence? This essay explores the notion that meaning, as traditionally understood, tends to prioritize consensus and uniformity over the rich tapestry of individual experiences. It contends that the relentless search for a seamless, universally evocative emotional state inhibits our appreciation for the peculiar, unexplainable, and strange aspects of life. Furthermore, it argues that the intangible nature of meaning, which cannot be detected through probing, challenges our attempts to map or define it definitively.

The Quest for Unambiguous Meaning: In our quest for meaning, many of us yearn for an unambiguous interpretation, a single truth that can be universally applied. This desire for certainty often leads to the creation of consensus, where a collective agreement is formed to assert authority over others’ direct experiences of the world. By imposing a dominant interpretation, consensus seeks to quell the discomfort caused by divergent perspectives and maintain a sense of control. However, in doing so, it runs the risk of overshadowing the unique insights and personal connections that arise from individual experiences.

Meaning and Emotional Continuity: Traditionally, meaning has strived to evoke a seamless continuity and smoothness in everyone’s emotional state. It aims to elicit a shared understanding, harmonizing diverse individuals into a cohesive whole. Yet, in this pursuit of emotional uniformity, meaning may inadvertently neglect or downplay the peculiar, unexplainable, and strange aspects of life. It treats these nuances as obstacles to be overcome, favoring the familiar and easily comprehensible. Consequently, the full complexity and diversity of human experiences can remain unexplored, potentially hindering personal growth and limiting our understanding of the world.

The Enigma of Meaning and Koans: The nature of meaning defies straightforward detection. It neither absorbs, reflects, nor emits light, rendering it elusive to probing. This intangibility challenges our attempts to pin down meaning definitively or map it onto a predefined framework. However, this does not imply that meaning is entirely unknowable or devoid of significance. The existence of meaning is inferred from the observable effects it has on the objects and phenomena we encounter directly. In this sense, meaning reveals itself through its impact rather than through direct observation.

The Role of Koans: To navigate the complexities of meaning, we can turn to practices such as koans. Koans, enigmatic statements used in Zen Buddhism, defy linear and logical approaches to meaning. They disrupt the pursuit of unambiguous interpretations and encourage deep contemplation and intuitive understanding. By embracing paradox and challenging conventional thought patterns, koans invite us to engage with the strange, unexplainable aspects of life, expanding our capacity for appreciation and insight.

The Unmappable Nature of Meaning: Meaning resists mapping due to its inherent subjectivity and multifaceted nature. It is not a fixed point or a linear trajectory but a dynamic and evolving force shaped by personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, and individual interpretations. While attempts can be made to create frameworks or systems that capture meaning to some extent, they will always fall short of encompassing its full breadth and depth.

Conclusion: The pursuit of meaning should be an exploration rather than a quest for a singular truth. By challenging the tendency towards consensus and acknowledging the limitations of a seamless emotional continuity, we open ourselves to the wonders of the peculiar, unexplainable, and strange aspects of life. While meaning may elude our attempts to map or define it definitively, its existence can be inferred through the effects it has on our direct observations. Let us embrace the enigmatic nature of meaning and engage with it through practices

Inertia Is Gaining Momentum

Introduction: Inertia, often associated with the resistance to change, is a powerful force that pervades all aspects of human existence. It is a tendency to maintain the current state of affairs, even in the face of new possibilities or pressing needs for transformation. While inertia can be a stabilizing force in certain circumstances, when it gains momentum, it hampers progress, stifles innovation, and perpetuates societal stagnation. This essay explores the concept of inertia gaining momentum and its implications for individuals, organizations, and society as a whole.


  1. The Comfort of Familiarity: One of the primary reasons inertia gains momentum is the human inclination towards comfort and familiarity. People are naturally drawn to routines and habits that provide a sense of security and predictability. Deviating from the established norms and venturing into the unknown involves risks and uncertainties, prompting individuals to stick to what they know, regardless of its limitations or inefficiencies. This resistance to change often leads to the perpetuation of outdated systems and practices.
  2. Fear of Failure: Fear of failure is another factor that contributes to inertia gaining momentum. The possibility of making mistakes or encountering setbacks deters individuals and organizations from embracing change. The fear of the unknown and the potential consequences of failure create a barrier to progress. In such instances, people may prefer to maintain the status quo, even if it means foregoing opportunities for growth and improvement.
  3. Organizational Inertia: Inertia is not limited to individuals; it also manifests within organizations. Established structures, hierarchies, and bureaucratic processes often resist change, creating inertia within the organization. This inertia can be fueled by factors such as the fear of disrupting power dynamics, resistance to relinquishing control, or the sunk cost fallacy, where investments in existing systems make change seem too costly. As a result, organizations find themselves trapped in outdated paradigms, hindering innovation and adaptability.
  4. Cultural Inertia: Societal and cultural inertia can have profound effects on progress. Cultural norms and values deeply rooted in traditions and customs can resist change, impeding societal advancement. Whether it is the resistance to gender equality, the reluctance to adopt sustainable practices, or the refusal to challenge long-held beliefs, cultural inertia can hinder the collective ability to address pressing issues and embrace positive change.
  5. Overcoming Inertia: Breaking free from the grip of inertia requires conscious effort and collective action. Recognizing the limitations of the status quo is the first step towards initiating change. Education, awareness, and open dialogue play crucial roles in challenging the inertia that hampers progress. Individuals and organizations need to cultivate a growth mindset that embraces uncertainty and sees failure as an opportunity for learning. Implementing agile and adaptive strategies can help organizations navigate change effectively. Furthermore, societies need to foster an environment that encourages critical thinking, diversity, and inclusivity, allowing for the questioning of established norms and the exploration of new possibilities.


Inertia gaining momentum poses a significant challenge to progress and innovation in various spheres of human existence. However, awareness and intentional efforts can help break free from its grasp. Overcoming the inertia that hampers change requires a willingness to embrace discomfort, challenge prevailing beliefs, and foster an environment conducive to growth. By doing so, individuals, organizations, and society as a whole can unleash the transformative potential that lies beyond the confines of the status quo, paving the way for a more dynamic and prosperous future

Hyperborder and Anti-Frontier

While the terms “Hyperborder” and “Antifrontier” don’t have widely recognized definitions in the context of psychological periphery, I can provide some insights based on the combination of those words and their general meanings.

  1. Hyperborder: The term “hyperborder” suggests an intensified or exaggerated boundary. In the context of psychological periphery, it could refer to the limits or boundaries that exist within our minds, separating our conscious and unconscious experiences, thoughts, or emotions. It may imply an increased awareness or focus on these boundaries and the potential for exploration or expansion beyond them.
  2. Antifrontier: The term “antifrontier” could be interpreted as the opposite of a frontier or border, suggesting a lack of defined limits or boundaries. In the context of psychological periphery, it may imply a state where traditional boundaries or distinctions blur or dissolve. This could refer to a psychological state of openness, where concepts such as self and other, conscious and unconscious, or familiar and unfamiliar become less distinct or relevant.

Together, these terms seem to evoke a sense of exploring and transcending the boundaries of our psychological periphery, perhaps by pushing beyond the conventional limits of our conscious awareness or challenging established notions of self and identity.

It’s important to note that these interpretations are speculative, as the terms “Hyperborder” and “Antifrontier” are not commonly used or well-defined in psychological literature. If you have a specific context or source from which these terms originate, it would be helpful to provide more information to offer a more accurate explanation.

when considering the menagerie of strange creatures lurking beyond the psychological periphery, it seems to evoke imagery of unknown or unexplored aspects of our psyche. Here are a couple of possible interpretations:

  1. Unconscious Mind: The psychological periphery could represent the boundaries of our conscious awareness, while the strange creatures lurking beyond may symbolize the contents of our unconscious mind. The unconscious mind encompasses thoughts, memories, desires, and emotions that are not readily accessible to our conscious awareness. These “strange creatures” could represent the hidden or unfamiliar aspects of ourselves, waiting to be discovered and integrated into our conscious understanding.
  2. Unexplored Territories: Another interpretation could be that the psychological periphery represents the known or familiar aspects of our psyche, while the strange creatures represent unexplored territories or uncharted realms of our mind. They could symbolize untapped potential, creativity, or undiscovered aspects of our personality. Exploring and understanding these strange creatures could lead to personal growth, self-discovery, and a deeper understanding of ourselves.

It’s worth noting that the interpretation of these “strange creatures” may vary depending on personal perspectives, cultural backgrounds, or specific psychological theories. The concept of exploring the unknown aspects of our psyche is a common theme in psychology, particularly within the realm of psychoanalysis and depth psychology.

Ultimately, the menagerie of strange creatures beyond the psychological periphery suggests that there is much more to discover and explore within ourselves, beyond what we currently know or perceive consciously.

Both sides employ the frontier metaphor to appease social unrest by promising endless growth. On one hand (Ooh), the Captains of Industry and the Masters of High Finance claim to be the true heirs to the western ideal, seizing new avenues of action. On the other hand (Otoh), instead of physical frontiers, there exist frontiers in public policy and unexplored social domains. Why does capital consolidation favor extraction at any cost? Is it our lizard brain on steroids?

The frontier is perceived as an object or territory with which one interacts to acquire knowledge or experience. It is an “It” in Martin Buber’s terms. The focus lies in conceptualizing, manipulating, and accumulating things. The relationship is one-sided, with control exerted within space and time.

Within the concept of the frontier, humans can feel, imagine, or desire something from it. We sit on a chair for rest, or we harvest to satisfy hunger. The frontier serves our needs, and thus we utilize it.

As long as the perception of the wild frontier prevails, there will be externalities. The antifrontier describes a world of relations, where the “I” does not objectify any “It” but acknowledges externalities.

If the frontier is personified, one can instantly engage in a mental or spiritual relationship with it.

The idea of a fortress on the frontier implies that the society defended by the fortress is constantly at risk of being undone. Treating the frontier necessitates addressing our underlying personal metaphorical walls and exploring abandonment and isolation first.

Practically, the idea of the frontier offered an escape clause, limiting the potential for interpersonal exploitation. Once that is exhausted, justice becomes violent retaliation. Without the border, it turns into retribution, rather than the hero’s journey.

As a child, I repeatedly watched “The Outlaw Josey Wales.” Eastwood’s character witnesses his family’s massacre, joins Confederate guerrillas, and after the Civil War, he is pursued by Union soldiers while seeking revenge against his family’s killer and a seemingly traitorous friend.

However, the film gradually changes direction, transitioning into a story of a man who discovers his role as a family man. He befriends Indians and various misfits, leading them to a peaceful place where they can forge new identities.

This connects notably to “Unforgiven,” which further subverts violence. It is worth noting that the emergence of revisionist westerns coincided with America’s second feminist movement.

The failure to imagine and the magnitude of our creative crisis prevent us from investing in new ideas that challenge the rigid boundaries of political affiliations. It’s myopic at best, criminal at worst, rendering us incapable of addressing our challenges and engaging in civil debates. We find ourselves mired in ethnic strife instead of promoting art, succumbing to The Art of the Grandstand.

Solving social problems presents an inherent paradox. Somewhere I read that most of us consider ourselves morally superior to the average person, and we desire others to perceive us in the same light. Hence, a sustainable model involves using activism to impress others and gain status.

Art and morality have often stood on opposing sides, with exceptions like Tagore and Tolstoy. The artist does not need to grandstand or preach morality; they do not aim to tell people what to do but rather flow with the entirety of the collective.

Thus, in navigating the frontier, the artist implicitly fulfills a social obligation to both versions of the frontier mentioned above and becomes an unacknowledged legislator.

Go In Young Man

Electronic Media And Internal Colonization

Electronic media, often hailed as a revolutionary force that has transformed communication and information dissemination, can indeed be viewed as a project of internal colonization masquerading as a liberating mission. While electronic media has undoubtedly brought numerous benefits and opportunities, it is crucial to critically examine its impact on society to understand how it can reinforce power imbalances and perpetuate forms of control and domination.

Internal colonization refers to a process wherein a dominant group, often possessing economic, cultural, or political power, exercises control over another group within the same geographical territory. In the context of electronic media, this concept can be understood as the concentration of media ownership and the manipulation of narratives and information to serve the interests of powerful entities, while disguising it as a liberating force for the masses.

One aspect of electronic media’s internal colonization is the consolidation of media ownership in the hands of a few powerful corporations or individuals. These media conglomerates exert significant control over the content produced and disseminated, effectively shaping public opinion and influencing societal narratives. Such concentration of media power limits diverse perspectives and alternative voices, suppressing dissent and reinforcing dominant ideologies.

The guise of a liberating mission is often used to justify these practices. Electronic media is presented as a tool for empowerment, providing access to information and giving a voice to the marginalized. While it is true that electronic media has opened up new avenues for expression and participation, the underlying power dynamics and structural constraints must not be overlooked. The platforms and algorithms that govern electronic media are designed to prioritize engagement and profitability, often at the expense of accuracy, diversity, and public interest.

We build media like a monocrop because it is the only way we can extract value on a large scale by taxing so to speak the population either through its produce (personal data) or its labour ($)

Indeed, the construction of electronic media as a monocrop system, where value is extracted from the population through the collection of personal data or financial transactions, further perpetuates the internal colonization dynamic. This approach treats individuals as commodities, reducing their worth to mere sources of profit for powerful entities.

One aspect of this monocrop mentality is the extensive collection and exploitation of personal data. Electronic media platforms gather vast amounts of user information, including browsing habits, preferences, and social connections. This data is then utilized to create detailed profiles and target individuals with personalized advertisements, thus monetizing users’ online activities. By treating personal data as a valuable resource, electronic media companies essentially commodify individual privacy and autonomy, turning them into products to be sold to the highest bidder.

In addition to personal data, electronic media companies also extract value through labor and financial transactions. Social media platforms, for instance, rely on user-generated content to drive engagement and generate advertising revenue. Users provide free labor by creating and sharing content, which in turn attracts other users and advertisers. The profitability of electronic media platforms is largely dependent on this user-generated content, as it enables them to capture and monetize users’ attention and interactions.

Furthermore, the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few electronic media corporations exacerbates the internal colonization dynamics. These companies amass enormous profits and influence through their control over the digital public sphere. The dominance of a small number of platforms not only limits competition and stifles innovation but also perpetuates inequalities in the distribution of economic and informational resources. The extractive nature of this system disproportionately benefits the powerful few at the expense of the broader population.

To challenge this monocrop approach and address the internal colonization dynamics of electronic media, alternative models and practices are needed. One approach is to advocate for data privacy regulations that empower individuals to have control over their personal information and limit the exploitation of their data. Governments and regulatory bodies play a crucial role in establishing frameworks that protect individuals’ privacy rights and ensure transparency and accountability in the collection and use of personal data.

Additionally, promoting decentralized and community-driven media platforms can provide alternatives to the centralized power structures of dominant electronic media companies. Decentralized platforms, based on blockchain or peer-to-peer technologies, aim to distribute control and ownership among users, fostering greater user agency and reducing the influence of a few gatekeepers. These platforms prioritize user privacy, data ownership, and democratic governance, aiming to create a more equitable and inclusive digital ecosystem.

Moreover, fostering a culture of digital literacy and awareness is essential for individuals to understand the dynamics of electronic media and make informed decisions about their online engagement. By promoting critical thinking skills, media literacy education can empower individuals to navigate the complexities of electronic media, question dominant narratives, and become active contributors rather than passive consumers.

In conclusion, the monocrop nature of electronic media, relying on the extraction of value from personal data and user labor, perpetuates the internal colonization dynamics inherent in the system. By advocating for data privacy regulations, promoting decentralized platforms, and fostering media literacy, we can challenge this colonization and work towards a more equitable, transparent, and empowering digital media landscape.