Tyson Vs Paul

First, they came with WWE,

and I said nothing,

because I had a cushy job and good career prospects.

Then, they came with the Jerry Springer Show,

and I rolled my eyes,

because I had a cushy job and good career prospects.

Then, they came with Survivor,

and I laughed,

because I had a job and good career prospects.

Then, they came with American Idol,

and I shrugged,

because I had a job and some career prospects.

Then, they came with Keeping Up with the Kardashians,

and I rolled my eyes,

because although my job was not cushy anymore,

I still had some career prospects.

Then, they came with The Bachelor,

and I groaned,

because although I was working two jobs,

I still had a sliver of career prospects.

Then, they came with TikTok challenges,

and I laughed bitterly,

because I had two jobs and maybe 0.1 career prospects.

Then, they came with Mike Tyson fighting a kid from Disney Channel hosted by Rosie Perez

and I wanted to scream…but my fist was in my mouth

because I had three jobs and no career prospects at all.

Then, after the fight they came with AI-generated influencers,

and there was no one left to say anything,

because we were all mechanically turking

For the fake AI overlords