Capitalism as an art form, an Apollonian fabrication to rival nature. The Greek word kosmos, from which our cosmology and cosmonaut derive, expresses this sense of the world as Aphrodite’s presence. If the cosmos implies beauty, if we live in an aesthetic world, then the aesthetic response is the primary mode of adjustment to the cosmos. The most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion, but cosmetics are easier to buy.
Aristotle’s Greece was built on the back of Apollinian ideals of symmetry, harmony, and unity. The Apollonian state required as the guarantor of social stability and security. The god on the cross is a curse on life, a signpost to seek redemption from life. Dionysus cut to pieces is a promise of life: it will be eternally reborn and return again from destruction, he says. The goal is to live with God like composure on the full rush of energy, like Dionysus riding the leopard, without being torn to pieces. The Stoics used kosmo to refer to the anima Mundi, or soul of the world, as opposed to the universe, which has no aesthetic connotations, Plotinus could define “an ugly thing” as “something that has not been entirely mastered by pattern”
Aristotle’s Greece was built on the back of Apollonian ideals of symmetry, harmony, and unity. The Canon was not only a statue deigned to display perfect proportion, but a now-lost treatise on beauty. Edmund Burke said that there are no exact proportions between human body parts that make a person beautiful. To say “beautiful” is to say “desirable,” and man has always wanted to build for the least amount of money and in the most durable manner possible. “Beauty was given the sole function of exalting order” “Aesthetic beauty was used for centuries to divert creators from Dionysious’s visions,”
When Kosmos was translated from Greek to Latin, it became a universe, betraying the Roman penchant for general laws and implying that the entire world revolved around one person (unus-verto). However, kosmos does not refer to an all-encompassing system; rather, it is an aesthetic term that best translates to “fitting order,” or “appropriate, right arrangement,” in which particulars take precedence over universals.
Kosmos is also a moral term; for example, in the Iliad (8:179), kata kosmon (“disordered”) means “shamefully.” Kosmos includes words like “decently,” “honorably,” and “becomingly.” As in our everyday language of craft, where straight, true, right, sound imply both the good and the beautiful, the aesthetic and the moral blend. “Discipline, form, and fashion” are three more connotations. Women’s embellishments, decorations, ornaments, and dress were referred to as kosmos, and the word is also used to describe sweet songs and speech.
Aristotle’s Greece was built on the back of Apollonian ideals of symmetry, harmony, and unity “” The Apollonian state required as the guarantor of social stability and security. The most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy. Cosmetics is closer to the original than cosmic, which means “vacant, gaseous, vast.”
Aristotle’s Greece was built on the back of Apollonian ideals of symmetry, harmony, and unity. To say “beautiful” is to say “desirable,” and man has always wanted to build for the least amount of money. Edmund Burke said that there are no exact proportions between human body parts that make a person beautiful. The Canon was not only a statue deigned to display perfect proportion, but a now-lost treatise on beauty. “Beauty was given the sole function of exalting order” “Aesthetic beauty was used for centuries to divert creators from Dionysious’s visions” . The true beauty, in which every century recognizes itself, can be found in upright stones, ships’ hulls, the blade of an axe, the wing of a plane, a plane’s wing. “Symmetry is what we see at a glance; based on the fact that there is no reason for any difference…”