It’s the Hoi Poloi, Stupid

Intellectual Apathy and the Battle of Ideologies

Introduction: In today’s increasingly polarized world, concepts such as the Radical left, post-truth, MSM (Mainstream Media), fake news, and white supremacy have emerged as significant topics of debate and concern. While these concepts may appear distinct on the surface, a closer examination reveals a common thread that ties them together: intellectual apathy. This essay explores the shared characteristics of these concepts, including the tendency to externalize problems and the perception of a battle between reasonable upholders and irreparable rabble. Furthermore, the essay delves into the notion of an over-supply of “hoi oligoi stupid,” highlighting how intellectual apathy has contributed to the current state of discourse.


  1. Intellectual Apathy and Externalization: a. The Radical left, post-truth, MSM, fake news, and white supremacy often exhibit a tendency to externalize problems rather than engaging in critical self-reflection. b. Instead of addressing complex issues, these concepts often simplify them by attributing blame to external factors or scapegoats. c. Intellectual apathy is evident when individuals or groups fail to acknowledge their own role in perpetuating or exacerbating problems.
  2. Imagined Battle between Reasonable Upholders and Irreparable Rabble: a. Many proponents of these concepts view themselves as reasonable upholders of truth and virtue, contrasting with an imagined “rabble” that they perceive as irreparably flawed. b. This dichotomy creates a false sense of intellectual superiority and reinforces a lack of empathy or understanding for opposing viewpoints. c. The battle between these two factions becomes a central narrative, diverting attention from nuanced discussions and obstructing meaningful dialogue.
  3. “It’s the over supply of ‘hoi oligoi,’ stupid” to emphasize the importance of elite overproduction as a central issue and a reminder that a significant portion of our problems arise from this. The term “hoi oligoi” refers to the concept of an elite or ruling class, often associated with wealth, power, and privilege. In this context, the statement highlights the need to recognize the influence of the elite and their role in shaping societal issues. It directs attention toward examining the concentration of power and its consequences, urging a focus on addressing the systemic problems that result from this concentration rather than getting distracted by other topics.The phrase “hoi oligoi stupid” refers to the perception of an oversupply of uninformed or ignorant individuals. b. Intellectual apathy contributes to this perception by fostering a culture where critical thinking, evidence-based reasoning, and informed discourse are undervalued. c. The proliferation of misinformation, confirmation bias, and echo chambers further perpetuates this cycle, hindering societal progress and rational decision-making.

In-Group vs Out-Group: The Dynamics of Social Identity

Introduction: Human societies are inherently social, and within these social structures, the concept of in-group and out-group plays a significant role. In-group refers to a group of individuals with whom an individual identifies and shares a sense of belonging, while out-group represents individuals outside of this circle. The dynamics between in-groups and out-groups have profound implications for social behavior, intergroup relations, and identity formation. This essay explores the nature of in-group and out-group dynamics, the psychological processes involved, and the impact on society as a whole.


  1. Formation and Identification: a. In-groups form based on shared characteristics such as ethnicity, nationality, religion, ideology, or even hobbies and interests. b. Identification with an in-group often leads to a sense of belonging, solidarity, and the development of a collective identity. c. Out-groups are defined by their exclusion from the in-group and are often perceived as different or opposing.
  2. Social Identity Theory: a. Social Identity Theory proposes that individuals derive a part of their self-esteem from the status and achievements of their in-group. b. In-group bias refers to the tendency to favor and attribute positive qualities to one’s in-group while displaying prejudice or discrimination toward out-groups. c. This bias can lead to the formation of stereotypes and perpetuate intergroup conflicts.
  3. Group Competition and Conflict: a. In-group vs. out-group dynamics often create competition for resources, power, and social dominance. b. Conflict can arise due to perceived threats to the in-group’s identity, leading to intergroup hostility, prejudice, and discrimination. c. Historical examples, such as ethnic conflicts or ideological rivalries, illustrate the destructive consequences of intense in-group vs. out-group tensions.
  4. Impact on Society: a. In-group and out-group dynamics influence societal structures, social norms, and intergroup relationships. b. Prejudice and discrimination based on group membership can lead to social inequality, marginalization, and exclusion. c. Understanding and addressing in-group vs. out-group biases are crucial for fostering social cohesion, diversity, and inclusivity in diverse societies.

Conclusion: In-group vs. out-group dynamics are fundamental aspects of social life, shaping individual and collective identities, as well as intergroup relations. While in-group identification provides a sense of belonging and fosters solidarity, it can also lead to biases, stereotypes, and conflicts with out-groups. Recognizing the psychological processes involved and the potential for prejudice and discrimination is essential for building a more inclusive and harmonious society. By promoting empathy, intergroup understanding, and challenging stereotypes, we can strive towards bridging the divides between in-groups and out-groups, fostering a more tolerant and cohesive future.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the concepts of the Radical left, post-truth, MSM, fake news, and white supremacy may appear distinct, but they share common elements that stem from intellectual apathy. The tendency to externalize problems, the perception of an imagined battle between reasonable upholders and irreparable rabble, and the notion of an over-supply of “hoi oligoi stupid” all contribute to the current state of discourse.

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