The Machinery of Violence

The Machine is hungry. Republican hands reach for the Big Red Button—no hesitation, no pause, just the itch, the primal need to blow something to dust. Preferably brown, preferably Other, preferably something distant enough to forget but close enough to feel the shockwave. Boom, boom, boom. A symphony of obliteration. Brown bodies turned to statistics, to ghost echoes in the desert. The Machine doesn’t discriminate; it only consumes. The Republicans feed it raw meat, fresh kill.

But the Democrats, they come with tweezers and scalpels, carefully cataloging the flesh before feeding it to the furnace. First, they label, dissect, analyze. Brown, but what shade of brown? Brown with a hint of revolution, or brown with a touch of despair? Every drop of blood carefully examined before it’s spilled, each scream weighed on the scales of morality. They pretend precision, but the endgame is the same—blow it up, feed the Machine, keep the gears turning. Nitpicking pacifists armed with drones and moral certitude, selecting their targets like gourmet butchers. Blood flows just as red, bodies pile just as high, but with a veneer of justification, a patina of righteousness.

The violence and hypocrisy are laid bare, exposing the grotesque machinery and destruction beneath the surface of political rhetoric. The metaphorical “Machine” consumes all, indifferent to the nuanced justifications or the crass brutality of its operators.

The Machine doesn’t care. It devours everything, Republican, Democrat, doesn’t matter—just feed it, feed it the bodies, feed it the blood. It grinds on, fueled by the contradictions, the hypocrisies, the desperate need to maintain the illusion of control. Somewhere in the gears, a brown face screams, but the sound is swallowed up by the grinding, the relentless churning of the Machine. It’s all part of the program, the script, the endless loop of violence wrapped in the banner of freedom, justice, the American way. The Machine doesn’t care what color the bodies are. It just needs them to burn.