“Prometheus Winked”

Ayn Rand, in her manic, Nietzschean fever dream, concocts a fable of the market as Olympus. Prometheus, a proto-capitalist titan, is no selfless savior but a cunning speculator. He filches fire, not for mankind’s enlightenment, but to corner the warmth market. As the world shivers in a neo-liberal ice age, our hero basks in a gilded hothouse, plotting derivatives on the ember futures exchange. A morality play, it seems, until one realizes the chorus is frozen solid, their breath misting tragicomic epitaphs on the wind. Rand, ever the solipsist, paints a world where altruism is a Ponzi scheme and empathy a Ponzi-esque delusion. It’s a tale of fire and ice, wealth and want, where the only warmth is the glow of avarice, and the gods, it turns out, were just the original venture capitalists.


Ayn Rand, in her manic, messianic proselytizing, here offers a morality play for the soulless. In a world as flat and predictable as a dollar bill, a certain Prometheus, a man of brass and larceny, purloins the divine flame. No myth-making here; this is a heist, a business venture. The Olympians, those bloated, bureaucratic deities, are fleeced with industrial efficiency. Prometheus, our anti-hero, becomes a pyrotechnic Ponzi schemer, hoarding warmth like gold while the populace shivers, a chorus of hypothermia. Rand’s signature blend of egotism and avarice is on full display as Prometheus, a titan of trade, erects a fortress of insulation around his heart, and perhaps his mansion, as the world outside descends into a frozen, feudal nightmare. It’s a tale of fire and ice, of wealth and want, told with the icy detachment of a corporate balance sheet. A chilling vision of a world where the only warmth is the glow of greed.

Ayn Rand’s Prometheus Winked is a fever dream of capitalist eschatology, a cosmic grift where empathy is a relic and the only warmth is the kind that can be quantified.