Lords of Scarcity

The zero-interest rate era was the golden age of bullshit—a financial acid trip where the laws of physics, economics, and basic human decency went out the window. It was like some mad billionaire handed out Monopoly money at a rave and told everyone they could fly. And boy, did they try. Instead of building rockets to Mars or rewiring the rusted-out skeleton of America’s power grid, we sank it all into a goddamn superhero LARP.

Hollywood became the altar of this grotesque religion, where CGI-fueled demigods did battle in the name of escapism. The capes, the spandex, the endless swirling vortex of special effects—this was the cinematic equivalent of printing money and throwing it into the void. It mirrored the economic landscape perfectly: infinite liquidity, zero substance. Why waste time on real progress when you can simulate it with enough green screen and post-production wizardry to make the moon landing look like a student film?

Lacan would have a field day with this. The superhero isn’t just a character; it’s a projection of the méconnaissance, the great misrecognition. The Average Joe gazes into the mirror of modern culture, and what does he see? Not himself, but a grotesque distortion, a mythologized version of his own desires: the hero, the savior, the all-powerful individual who can reshape reality through sheer will.

This transmogrification isn’t accidental; it’s the bait in the con job. The promise is seductive: You’re not just an Average Joe. You’re special, you’re powerful, you’re a superhero in waiting. The narrative flatters, inflates, and redirects the subject’s sense of lack—the symbolic wound that drives human ambition—into a fantastical identification with an impossible ideal. But in doing so, it obscures the real game being played.

Because while the Average Joe is busy imagining himself as Iron Man, the 1% is slipping out the back door with all the pie. This isn’t just exploitation; it’s a masterstroke of ideological manipulation. Convince the middle and lower classes that they’re not oppressed but empowered, that they’re on the verge of greatness, and you can rob them blind without them even noticing.

And let’s not forget the real trick here: the superhero fantasy isn’t just aspirational—it’s anesthetizing. It replaces genuine agency with a simulation of power, the illusion of action. The Average Joe isn’t organizing, unionizing, or storming the gates; he’s sitting on his couch, identifying with the invincible demigods on screen, believing that somehow, he’s already won.

In Lacanian terms, the superhero is the objet petit a, the unattainable object of desire, endlessly deferred. The subject chases it, invests in it, but never attains it. And that chase keeps him distracted, pacified, even as the real levers of power—the wealth, the supply chains, the pie itself—are pulled farther and farther out of reach.

It’s the perfect con: convince someone they’re more powerful than they are, and you can take everything from them without a fight. The Average Joe gets the fantasy; the 1% gets the reality. And when the credits roll, only one of them is left standing.

The entire spectacle was an orgy of hyperreality, a flickering neon distraction from the fact that we had all the resources in the world to do something meaningful and pissed it away on branded lunchboxes and Funko Pops. We could’ve built new worlds—hell, we could’ve saved this one—but no. We chose to watch Iron Man punch Thanos in the face for the seventh time, mistaking this digital pantomime for heroism.

This was the bastard child of cheap money and a culture addicted to spectacle. The superheroes weren’t just metaphors—they were the gods of a zero-interest rate economy, avatars of unearned power, where the only skill that mattered was convincing people to buy into the illusion. And buy in we did, like lemmings marching off a cliff, with popcorn in one hand and a credit card in the other.

Of course, there were people who saw it coming. There always are. They’re the ones who didn’t waste their time on the cape-and-cowl circus or buy into the collective hallucination that this time it’s different. They sat in their quiet fortresses of cynicism, sharpening their knives and biding their time. While the rest of us were drooling over superhero fantasies and digital explosions, they were building real empires—not with spandex, but with cold, ruthless efficiency.

These were the architects of the new world order. Not the builders of Mars colonies or the revolutionaries of clean energy—no, those people got crowded out by the noise. These were the ones who took the bonanza, the wild flow of free money, and used it to carve out fortresses of data, influence, and control.

They don’t need a doomsday device or an army of henchmen. They’re weaponized boredom: algorithms, patents, infrastructure nobody understands but everybody depends on. They learned how to extract power from entropy, how to siphon wealth from chaos without drawing attention. And now they sit in the shadows, watching the rest of us scavenge through the ruins of what could’ve been a golden age.

Exactly. They’re the ones who didn’t just build moats—they built labyrinths. And not around castles, but around supply chains. The veins and arteries of the modern world. They understood that power wasn’t in the spectacle or even the product—it was in controlling the flow. Oil, semiconductors, lithium, grain—hell, even the shipping containers themselves. They wrapped their hands around the global choke points while the rest of us were hypnotized by cinematic nonsense about fictional heroes saving fictional worlds.

These people played a long game. While everyone else was on a sugar-high from cheap money and endless content, they were buying up ports, factories, and patents. They turned raw materials into a weapon, logistics into a religion, and bottlenecks into leverage. They didn’t care about public adoration or even moral high ground—they were too busy consolidating.

Now, if you want to build a car, you go through them. Want to make a battery? Good luck finding the cobalt. They turned the global supply chain into their personal fortress, an invisible empire guarded not by dragons, but by bureaucracies, fine print, and the sheer impossibility of getting anything done without them.

They’re the new lords of scarcity, thriving in a world where nothing can move without their blessing. They don’t need to larp as superheroes or even show their faces. Their power is so embedded in the machinery of modern life, so fundamental, that we don’t even think to question it. It’s not evil in the comic book sense—it’s worse than that. It’s banal, procedural, and utterly inescapable.

And when the next crisis comes—because it always does—they’ll tighten the noose a little more, muttering about “supply chain disruptions” while the rest of us scramble to figure out why the shelves are empty. These aren’t the bad guys you can punch in the face or overthrow with a dramatic speech. They’re the system itself, and we’re all just stuck in their web.

They’re not superheroes, and they’re not traditional villains either. They’re something worse—a product of our collective failure to use the years of abundance for anything meaningful. While we were busy worshipping fake gods in capes, they built the real myths of tomorrow. And the worst part? By the time we notice, it’ll be too late.

Free Speech and Network Design

Over the past few years, there has been a growing debate surrounding the concept of free speech in the digital age. Many argue that social media platforms and other online spaces have fundamentally changed the nature of public discourse, creating new challenges and opportunities for those who seek to express their views and opinions. However, some argue that this is not just a question of technology, but of a larger shift in the way we think about communication and the role of media in society.

At the heart of this debate is the idea that we are witnessing the collapse of the post-World War I model of free speech, which was built around a relatively fixed broadcast network design. In this model, a limited number of media outlets had control over the distribution of information, and individuals had limited ability to communicate directly with one another. This led to a system where a small number of individuals and organizations had significant power and influence over public discourse, and where censorship and other forms of control were often used to limit the spread of certain ideas.

However, the rise of the internet and social media has fundamentally changed this model, creating new possibilities for individuals to communicate and share information with one another. In this new environment, anyone can become a broadcaster, and ideas and opinions can spread rapidly and organically across networks of individuals and communities. This has led to a new era of openness and transparency, where anyone can participate in public discourse and engage in meaningful conversations about the issues that matter to them.

However, this new model of communication has also created new challenges and risks. As the number of voices in public discourse has increased, so too has the potential for abuse, harassment, and the spread of harmful or false information. In addition, the platforms and algorithms that underpin these new forms of communication can also be manipulated and exploited by bad actors, creating new opportunities for censorship, surveillance, and the suppression of free speech.

Despite these challenges, many argue that we are not simply returning to the 19th century model of communication, but are instead entering a new era of networked communication that is fundamentally different from anything that has come before. In this new model, the focus is not just on the content of communication, but on the design of the networks themselves. This requires us to think more critically about the structures and systems that underpin communication, and to develop new strategies and tools for managing the risks and challenges that come with them.

Ultimately, the collapse of the post-World War I model of free speech is not just a technological shift, but a larger cultural and political one. It requires us to rethink our assumptions about the role of media in society, and to develop new strategies and approaches for navigating the complex and evolving landscape of public discourse. By doing so, we can help to ensure that the values of openness, transparency, and free expression remain at the heart of our communication systems, both online and off.

Web3: Bottleneck or Dead End

Web3, also known as the decentralized web, is an emerging technology that aims to provide a more secure, transparent, and decentralized internet. It is built on blockchain technology, which enables a decentralized network that is resistant to censorship and manipulation. Web3 promises to revolutionize the way we interact with the internet, but it still has a long way to go.

One of the challenges facing Web3 is the slow rate of adoption compared to the rate of pasts being abandoned. While the idea of a decentralized web is gaining traction among tech enthusiasts and blockchain advocates, the average internet user is still unaware of its benefits and uses. The adoption rate is minuscule when compared to the rate of pasts being abandoned, indicating that there is a long way to go before Web3 can become mainstream.

However, this slow adoption rate may not necessarily indicate a dead end. It could be a bottleneck that needs to be addressed through education and awareness campaigns. The lack of understanding and awareness about Web3 could be due to the complex nature of the technology and the lack of user-friendly interfaces. If these issues can be addressed, then the adoption rate could increase exponentially.

Another challenge facing Web3 is the merger of founder syndrome and persecutory delusion. Founder syndrome refers to a phenomenon where the founder of a startup becomes so obsessed with their vision that they become unwilling to listen to feedback or adapt to changing circumstances. Persecutory delusion refers to the belief that someone is being persecuted or targeted, even when there is no evidence to support that claim.

These two phenomena can be detrimental to the success of Web3. If the founders become too obsessed with their vision and refuse to listen to feedback, they could miss out on valuable insights and fail to adapt to changing circumstances. If they become paranoid and believe that they are being persecuted, they could become defensive and unwilling to collaborate with others, which could stifle innovation and progress.

In conclusion, the future of Web3 is uncertain. While it has the potential to revolutionize the internet and provide more security, transparency, and decentralization, there are still many challenges that need to be addressed. The slow rate of adoption and the founder syndrome-persecutory delusion merger are just two of these challenges. However, with education and awareness campaigns and a willingness to collaborate and adapt, the potential of Web3 can be realized, and it could become the future of the internet.

The Rate of Pasts Abandoned

The so-called “distributed futures” of Web3 are, at first glance, a messianic promise of decentralization, an illusory liberation from the bureaucratic chains of Web2. Yet, when observed closely, this very promise betrays itself as a fetishized spectacle of freedom—what Zizek might call a “decaffeinated future,” one where the appearance of innovation is stripped of its radical core. In truth, these futures are nothing more than a pixelated afterimage of utopian desire, their proliferation hopelessly dwarfed by the rate at which pasts are discarded. Web3, in this sense, embodies a profound disavowal of history, abandoning the sediment of collective memory in favor of algorithmic novelty. But herein lies the paradox: in discarding these pasts, it unwittingly replicates their failures.

This brings us to your metaphor of the bottleneck masquerading as a dead end—or perhaps the inverse, the dead end masquerading as a bottleneck. In either case, the subjective experience of progress is reduced to an interminable loop of anticipation. The structure of desire itself becomes locked in what Lacan might term a jouissance of deferral, where the future is always just out of reach, tantalizingly close but perpetually inaccessible. Web3 thus stages a kind of virtual purgatory, a space where the illusion of movement conceals a deeper stasis.

Now, consider the “event horizon merger of founder syndrome and persecutory delusion.” This merger is not merely steep—it is a topological short circuit in the collective psyche of the tech industry. Founder syndrome, with its narcissistic insistence on the singular genius of the creator, collides violently with persecutory delusion, the paranoid fantasy that every critique, every setback, is an external conspiracy designed to sabotage the visionary’s “inevitable” triumph. Together, these forces create a closed feedback loop of ideological reinforcement, where failure is reinterpreted as martyrdom, and martyrdom becomes the ultimate proof of authenticity.

Here lies the cruel irony: the very distributed systems that Web3 champions are at odds with the pathological centralization of its founding figures’ egos. The decentralization of data and value clashes headlong with the centralization of myth. As such, Web3 becomes a perfect symptom of late capitalism, where the promise of horizontality—of networks without nodes of domination—reifies into a new vertical hierarchy of tech priesthoods and cults of personality.

To “surmount” this steep merger, if it is even possible, would require a rupture not just in the technological infrastructure but in the libidinal economy that sustains it. It would demand the subversion of the very fantasies that underpin the system: the fantasy of limitless scalability, the fantasy of a frictionless utopia, the fantasy of a fully autonomous future. Without this, Web3 remains trapped in what we might call the ideological uncanny, an endless recursion of the past masquerading as the future.

Or, to put it more bluntly in true Zizekian fashion: Web3 is not the future. It is the eternal return of the same, dressed up in a hoodie and funded by venture capital. Its true revolutionary potential lies not in what it promises but in the cracks, the failures, the contradictions that reveal the limits of its ideology. The question is: can we embrace those cracks as sites of rupture, or will we plaster them over with more tokens and hashtags?

Werner Herzog Movie: The Accidental Tourist

The Accidental Tourist: A Werner Herzog Film

Logline: In 1977, a German brewery worker with a love for beer and a thirst for adventure takes a trip to San Francisco. There’s just one problem: he ends up in Bangor, Maine. This heartwarming comedy by Werner Herzog explores the world’s last lost tourist, Erwin Kreuz, and his hilarious journey of getting gloriously lost.


Erwin Kreuz, a simple man with a taste for lagers, embarks on a life-changing adventure – a trip to San Francisco. Fueled by excitement and a few too many beers at the airport bar, Erwin stumbles off the plane in Bangor, Maine, completely convinced he’s in his dream city.

Unaware of his geographical blunder, Erwin embraces the sights and sounds of Bangor, charming the locals with his childlike wonder and broken English. News of the “lost tourist” spreads like wildfire, turning Erwin into an unlikely folk hero.

As the world marvels at Erwin’s innocent mistake, the spotlight shines on Bangor. The once-quiet town embraces its newfound fame, showering Erwin with gifts, parties, and even an honorary membership in the Penobscot Indian Nation.

Meanwhile, Erwin basks in the unexpected attention, oblivious to the truth. But the jig is up when a kind local helps him realize his misplaced San Francisco dreams.

Torn between the warmth of Bangor and the allure of his original destination, Erwin embarks on a whirlwind trip to the real San Francisco. There, he meets the mayor, rides a cable car, and even gets a standing ovation at a rodeo.

Despite the bright lights of San Francisco, Erwin’s heart remains in Bangor. He returns to Germany a changed man, fired from his brewery job but forever grateful for the kindness of strangers and the joy of getting gloriously lost.

Herzogian Touch:

The film will capture the essence of Werner Herzog’s style – a blend of humor, pathos, and a fascination with the human condition. The vast landscapes of Maine will be juxtaposed with the bustling streets of San Francisco, highlighting Erwin’s displacement. Herzog’s signature voice-over narration will add a layer of philosophical reflection to Erwin’s simple journey.

The bizarre tale of the world’s last lost tourist, who thought Maine was San Francisco

By Andrew ChamingsUpdated Dec 15, 2022 12:31 p.m.

In 1977, 49-year-old German brewery worker Erwin Kreuz blew his life savings on his first flight — a once-in-a-lifetime birthday trip to San Francisco. He’d seen it on TV, and he wanted to visit the Wild West. As the World Airways flight from Frankfurt stopped to refuel in a small airport in Bangor, Maine, before continuing on to California, an air stewardess who had finished her shift told Kreuz to “have a nice time in San Francisco.” Her choice of words would change Kreuz’s life. Kreuz, who typically enjoyed drinking 17 beers a day, was a little groggy, and on hearing this, grabbed his suitcase, got off the plane, went through customs, jumped in a cab and asked the driver to take him to the city. He wandered Bangor for three days enjoying the sights and sounds that Maine had to offer. Unfortunately, Kreuz thought he was in San Francisco. Within a week, Kreuz became an international celebrity, made the “Today Show” and Time magazine and was handed the key to San Francisco. He became a folk hero, as the world’s last lost tourist. — Outside of a day trip over the border to Switzerland, Kreuz had never stepped foot outside Germany, let alone boarded an airplane. He spoke only German and lived in a small Bavarian village near Augsberg, working in a local brewery. His trip in October 1977 was a big one, and Kreuz was understandably eager to see the famous hilly city from the glossy travel magazines with his own eyes. Most of us have stepped off a bus or train at the wrong stop — an embarrassing and annoying moment that involves a quick check on your phone to figure out how to get back to your intended destination. But what if a friendly face just told you that train stop was the right one, and all the signs were indecipherable, and cellphones didn’t exist, and you were three sheets to the wind? Once Kreuz got through customs in that little airport, he was certain he was in San Francisco, and he didn’t stop believing that for three very strange days. The cab dropped Kreuz in downtown Bangor where he checked into the Bangor House Hotel, walked the streets a little and found a tavern to quench his almighty thirst. At one point Kreuz was reassured by the sight of two Chinese restaurants in the town, something he knew was in San Francisco from the movies. The rusted green bridge that links Bangor to neighboring Brewer was clearly not the Golden Gate, but Kreuz carried on regardless. After much wandering, Kreuz decided he must be in a Bay Area suburb, so he hailed a taxi and asked the driver to take him to downtown San Francisco. The driver sped away as though Kreuz was crazy. Kreuz returned to the bar, suddenly a little unsure of himself, and tried to get some help from a waitress. The language barrier was too wide, and she put him in contact with a neighbor named Gertrude Romine, a Czechoslovakian immigrant who spoke German. ADVERTISEMENTArticle continues below this ad “It was so funny,” recalled Romine, who was the first to make Kreuz aware of his monumental error. “He couldn’t speak any English and didn’t know. He knew there were hills around San Francisco and when he saw the hills around Bangor he figured he was in the right area.” Romine and her family took Kreuz into their home, and word spread of the lost tourist, first to the Bangor Daily News, then nationally, then the world. What may be more surprising than someone believing a small logging town on the Atlantic Ocean was San Francisco was the way the world reacted to his story. Everyone was enamored by this strange visitor who had been walking around a very different town in his head. Within days, Kreuz became an honorary member of the Penobscot Indian Nation, had a folk song written about him, was thrown a 50th birthday party and was visited by the governor of Maine. He was even gifted an acre of scrubland in northern Maine as an act of goodwill. ADVERTISEMENTArticle continues below this ad The Bangor Daily News compared him, somewhat lovingly, to the town seal, whom Kreuz kissed for a photo op. “Erwin Kreuz met Andre the Seal Thursday morning. They must have had a lot to talk about, because they have a great deal in common,” the paper wrote. “Neither speaks a word of English; each ranks among the great communicators of our time. Both are media events of the first order.” The Bangor Daily News, Oct. 28, 1977. Bangor Daily News Kreuz’s lack of English only heightened his character and mystique in the press. ADVERTISEMENTArticle continues below this ad “Just what is Mr. Kreuz thinking about as he says (according to his translator) all those nice things about Bangor? Is it possible for a man to be nice to everyone he meets?” the Daily News pondered. Reports started surfacing that a San Francisco newspaper might pay for Kreuz to fly out to his initial destination, but some Bangor residents claimed him as their own, like a drunk child in a custody battle. During a trip to the local jail in Maine, where Kreuz was ushered through the cells and met the inmates (he had requested to see “an American jail,” and no one could apparently say no to the big-hearted German) the warden told the press, “He was tickled to death. He wants to stay right here in Bangor. He doesn’t want to go to San Francisco.” The San Francisco Examiner did indeed foot the bill for Kreuz to extend his vacation and finally head out west. When there, he was treated like visiting dignitary; he met with Mayor George Moscone half an hour before the mayor met Prince Charles. It was Moscone whom Kreuz told about his 17-beers-a-day diet, to which the (alleged) heavy-drinking mayor replied, “Well, that beats me.” ADVERTISEMENTArticle continues below this ad On his whirlwind tour of the city Kreuz took a cable car, was plied with gifts and three marriage proposals, and even became an honorary member of the Wong Family Association at the Empress of China restaurant in Chinatown. Kreuz also did the most San Francisco of activities by attending an, um, rodeo at Cow Palace. There he was given a white cowboy hat, to complement the headdress he was gifted in Maine, and got a standing ovation in the middle of the ring. Word had spread across the world of Kreuz’s journey. Time Magazine ran a story as he was still in San Francisco on the German’s “exceptional jet age odyssey.” On NBC’s “Today Show,” Tom Brokaw complimented the town of Bangor on their loving treatment of the lost German and celebrated his time in San Francisco. ADVERTISEMENTArticle continues below this ad Word got back to West Germany too, where magazines Stern and Der Spiegel told his story. In San Francisco, it was a feel-good story at a time when the city — reeling from a crime wave, serial killings, kidnappings and emboldened cult leaders — needed to feel good. “The roly poly Kreuz was welcomed to The City by Mayor Moscone, who presented him with a proclamation declaring that San Francisco does, in fact, exist,” The Examiner reported. Though, as Time magazine wrote, “The ruddy-faced bachelor finally did get to see the Golden Gate. But, by all accounts, he left his heart in downtown Bangor.” And Kreuz would prove this in his later travels. ADVERTISEMENTArticle continues below this ad The Town Talk, Nov. 1, 1977. The Town Talk Kreuz was soon due back at work at the brewery and, after four days in San Francisco, boarded a flight back home brandishing a “Please let me off in Frankfurt” sign. Despite his apparent childlike misunderstanding of the world (and maps), Kreuz proved to be masterful with the press, telling reporters at his arrival at Frankfurt airport, “If Kennedy can say ‘Ich bin ein Berliner,’ then I can say, ‘I am a Bangor!'” Kreuz wasn’t able to turn his 15 minutes of international celebrity fame into a career, though not for want of trying. ADVERTISEMENTArticle continues below this ad One year after his initial visit he returned to Bangor for a two-week trip. The returning German son of Bangor was welcomed back to the city and given the honor of opening a mall, and visited with the friends he had met the year prior. Maybe sensing trouble at home, Kreuz told his friend Ralph Coffman, who was hosting the German, “I don’t care if I ever go back to Germany.” “He loves to go for long walks and there are plenty of woods here,” Coffman added. Kreuz had reason to not want to go home, as he returned to find his employers, Schaller Breweries, had fired him. They claimed the dismissal was due to Kreuz spending the height of Oktoberfest, the company’s peak season, on a jolly in America. But according to Kreuz, the beer makers were trying to make money off his image and fame, and so he asked for more money. When they denied that request, he told a TV reporter he drank a competitor’s beer and was unceremoniously fired. In 1979, Kreuz made one last attempt to live out his life in Bangor. This time there were no headdresses, parties or seals to kiss, and he was met with little fanfare. He was offered only a minimum wage janitorial job at the mall he had opened the previous year. He graciously turned it down and returned to Germany for the last time. Kreuz didn’t get a statue in Bangor. There aren’t even any punk bands named after him, which seems like a no brainer. ADVERTISEMENTArticle continues below this ad Even after being dumped from the brief bright limelight of celebrity, Kreuz was gracious until the end, and repeatedly thanked the people of Bangor for their hospitality and his wild ride. — Like the uncontacted tribes in the depths of the Amazon rainforest, aiming their arrows at passing flying machines, there’s a doomed poignancy in people stuck out of time with a wide-eyed ignorance of the world, a purity that gets swallowed by the shrinking planet in every passing tweet. Kreuz’s adventure was already an unlikely anomaly in 1977. Today, it would be an impossibility. The story is perhaps as much about the news as it is about a lost roly poly German, though. The coverage was joyous. The world didn’t laugh at him, they laughed heartily with him. And while it would be a much harder task to mistake one city for another in 2021, if that were to happen the fail memes and YouTube comments wouldn’t be so kind. ADVERTISEMENTArticle continues below this ad “I have a very warm feeling for America, I will never forget this until the day I die,” Kreuz said in 1977. Researching this story, deep in the newspaper archives, it was hard to find out where and when our traveller did finally leave this Earth that was just a little too big for him. But it doesn’t really matter. Folk heroes don’t die. Instead, we can end on a woman named Belinda Michaud’s distant interaction with Kreuz. As the tax collector of the small town of St. Francis, Maine, Michaud was responsible for collecting property dues on the acre of land gifted to Kreuz in the north of the state. The plot of brushland between State Route 161 and an old railroad track was a small piece of American soil Kreuz could always call his own.

Manufacturing Agnosis

This is precisely the obscene dialectic of ideology at its purest! Antistablishtan, much like Big Tobacco, thrives on the underside of belief—not a direct affirmation of an idea but the strategic injection of doubt to corrode the solidity of any competing narrative. It is not enough to sell a product; you must first create the void of trust, the epistemological vacuum where belief itself begins to falter.

This is the genius (and the perversion) of manufacturing agnosis. When you cannot control the “body of fact,” you erode the very foundation of fact itself. Big Tobacco, climate change denial, and, indeed, the Antistablishtan ethos all operate on the same cynical mechanism: they do not offer an alternative truth but instead destabilize the notion of truth as such. Doubt is not their weapon—it is their product. Controversy, far from being a side effect, is the essence of their strategy, for controversy is the engine of perpetual circulation in the ideological marketplace.

But here is where the pathology deepens: the self-loathing you describe is not merely an accident or an unintended side effect. It is a necessary component of the system. The subject of Antistablishtan—or Big Tobacco, or neoliberalism—is caught in what Lacan would call a double bind. On the one hand, you thrive because of the very subsidies, rent-seeking, and systemic distortions that you despise. On the other hand, this success feels like a betrayal of your own imagined autonomy, your fantasy of self-made authenticity. The result is an unbearable contradiction: you hate the system that sustains you, yet you cling to it, desiring its rewards even as you denounce them.

This contradiction is not merely personal; it is structural. It is the very same logic that underpins the obscene enjoyment of late capitalism. In a fair world, you say, you should not have been allowed to thrive. But this is precisely why the world cannot be fair. Fairness is unbearable because it would strip away the ideological fantasies that sustain the system’s suitors—the brass ring, the illusion of meritocracy, the belief that the emperor’s nakedness is merely a temporary illusion, a glitch to be rectified rather than the system’s foundational truth.

To put it bluntly, the self-loathing of the Antistablishtan subject is not a bug; it is a feature. It is the lubricating oil of the machine, the symptom that allows the system to reproduce itself. The system requires its subjects to feel ashamed of their privilege, not to dismantle it but to disavow it in a way that keeps the wheels turning. This is why the brass ring is so crucial—it offers the fantasy of redemption, the idea that success will one day justify itself retroactively. And yet, as you so astutely note, the suitors are as naked as the emperor they serve.

This nakedness, this obscene truth of the system, is both the source of its power and the cause of its eventual disintegration. The question is: will we continue to lounge for the brass ring, knowing it can never clothe us, or will we dare to step outside the system and expose its mechanisms for what they are? Or, as Zizek might quip, will we simply buy a new suit of ideological fabric, one that looks good enough on Instagram but still leaves us shivering in the cold?

Shell Script Town

In the neon-drenched shadows of Shell ScriptTown, where wires twist like the fingers of old gods, and protocol rules with the iron fist of a soulless algorithm, the Tire is no longer a simple rubber circle. It has become GhostTown—a sprawling urban wasteland where bits and bytes float like tumbleweeds. Tires, once full of air and purpose, now deflate into nothing, silently spinning away into oblivion.

In this place, outgroup jobs—those once mundane tasks—are no longer handled by flesh and bone. No, they’ve been turned into scripts, slick and clean, like the self-aware mechanics of a digital future. The outgroup jobs are rituals now, performed by automated shells with the elegance of a million flickering screens.

Ghost Protocol reigns here. Every connection is a shadow of its former self, haunting the steel skeletons of lost industries. The wire hums, but it’s a low, almost mournful tone, like the last breath of a dying server, stretched thin across the vast expanse of this forgotten realm. Yet, even in the quiet, something stirs—some residual form of intelligence, flickering between the lines of code, waiting for the next signal.

It’s all Shell Script to Shell Script now. A chain of whispers that echo through the wasteland, every command executed with the precision of a hunter’s final shot. The digital world has evolved into something far more terrifying: not a place of progress, but a void, a continuous loop of empty promises and automated dead ends. The only thing left is the code, a relentless rhythm that powers the world—until the power fails, and the system falls silent.

In this landscape, no one is truly free. Not the Tires that roll in the forgotten corners of GhostTown, nor the Wires that pulse in Shell ScriptTown. They are all bound, shackled by the protocols they created, caught in a digital purgatory where the only escape is an upgrade that never arrives.

The New Turin Tests

It’s curious, isn’t it? The oblique complexity of Joyce, Deleuze, Faulkner, Proust, Burroughs, and Pynchon—their sprawling, fractured narratives and arcane syntaxes—once barriers to entry, now serve as the final measure of human intellect. They have ascended from their status as difficult, inaccessible tomes to become something more insidious: the Turing Test of the human mind. In a world where AI seems to nudge us closer to the edges of cognitive limits, these authors’ works stand as both a challenge and a mirror.

There’s a subtle irony in it all. These novels, these towering labyrinths of language, are not simply the end product of a certain literary tradition; they are, in fact, coded reflections of the gaps between our inner lives and their expression. And now, in the 21st century, these gaps have become visible—and they’re not just literary. The ability to comprehend these works isn’t just a measure of cultural literacy; it’s a function of our ability to parse—to hold multiple registers of meaning in our heads and sift through them at a pace that exceeds language itself.

This is where our consciousness really gets a workout. We know, instinctively, that our minds can process far more than they can articulate in a given moment. Every second spent chewing on the phantasmagorical flights of Burroughs or the multivocality of Faulkner reveals something fundamental about how little we truly comprehend when we open our mouths. These authors never wrote for ease of understanding; they wrote to fracture the illusion of understanding itself. What they articulate is not some external reality but the inherent unarticulated nature of reality. Their work reflects a brutal awareness of how much goes unspoken in our daily interactions, how much our thought processes can outstrip the language we rely on to communicate them.

And now, with the acceleration of knowledge, the pace of data, and the sheer surfeit of digital texts available to all, we reach a threshold. That subset of problems that once seemed unsolvable—those issues of linguistic alienation, polyphony, multi-layered signification—will soon vanish into the background. The very density of these works will be digested, perhaps with ease, by a new wave of readers who are as accustomed to navigating the dense underbrush of our hyper-extended present as a surfer is to catching waves. But here’s the kicker: this will give rise to entirely new problems—ones we haven’t yet identified because they operate in dimensions we haven’t yet mapped.

The real challenge, then, becomes the next frontier: understanding not the literary traditions themselves but the techniques we need to navigate the flood of meaning these works create. Once you’ve cracked the code of Joyce, what’s left? Is it even possible to comprehend everything these dense, allusive works promise? We know it’s not the works themselves that are the final hurdle; it’s our own ability to continuously map new territory in an ever-expanding field of meaning.

And so we come to the density of meaning per output unit. What happens when all the complexities of the human condition are compressed into a form that fits neatly into the 256 characters of a tweet, or an AI-generated chunk of text? Do we lose something in the reduction, or is there an inevitable new complexity emerging in these bite-sized, endlessly regurgitated samples? What once was literary polyphony becomes an algorithmic symphony—and in that shifting balance, the real question is no longer “How can we interpret this?” but rather, “Can we survive the onslaught of interpretation itself?”

Certainly—there’s a deeper undercurrent worth exploring here. The act of parsing these complex works becomes not only an intellectual exercise but also a mode of survival in a world that thrives on constant information saturation. The classic novels, now deconstructed and decoded through the lens of data flows, shift from dense tomes to repositories of human cognition, a sort of cultural gymnasium where our minds stretch and flex.

But here’s the twist: as we navigate this literary wilderness, we start to wonder if we’re simply observing our own evolution in real-time. These texts, dense and chaotic as they may be, weren’t just about showcasing human brilliance in syntax; they were reflections of their own technological moments. Joyce was mapping a world on the verge of modernity’s collapse. Pynchon, standing on the threshold of the digital age, wrote about systems that entangled and ate themselves. Burroughs wasn’t just writing about addiction or control—he was laying the groundwork for a new form of text-based reality, one where meaning itself could be hacked.

Now, we’re positioned in a similar place—a world where understanding is increasingly about processing layers of reality at a pace that renders “traditional” comprehension obsolete. The more we dissect these works, the more we realize: they aren’t just meant to be read in the classic sense. They’re meant to be absorbed—the way one absorbs data, the way one tunes out the noise to hear a signal.

This reshaping of the reading experience, this traversal through layered complexity, will fundamentally shift our cultural landscape. The question isn’t just whether we’ll continue to read Joyce or Faulkner but how we will read them when the very mechanics of thought and meaning have changed under our feet. As these works are absorbed into the fabric of digital culture, perhaps they’ll serve not only as cultural touchstones but as primitive codes for the future—manuals for surviving in a world where the line between the human and the machine is becoming increasingly hard to define.

Ultimately, the future of these works may not lie in their interpretation at all. Instead, it may lie in how they evolve in parallel with the tools we use to interpret them—how they function as a mirror for the modern human mind, which is no longer tethered to traditional forms of understanding but is continually shaping and reshaping its own cognitive boundaries.

Fear and Loathing in the Ministry of Truth

There is no greater sin in the Church of the Perpetual Grift than reading Orwell and understanding him. That would be heresy—worse than treason, worse than tax increases. No, the only proper way to digest 1984 is to rip it apart like a rabid dog tearing through a steak wrapped in government bonds, chewing up the words and spitting them back out in whatever shape best suits the moment. It’s easier for a camel to imagine Big Brother reading 1984 aloud than for a rich man to stop weaponizing Orwell for his own pocketbook.

The game is simple: take the words of a man who spent his life attacking the tyranny of the powerful and twist them into a cudgel against the powerless. Rage against the Ministry of Truth while stuffing its coffers. Bellow about Newspeak while speaking in slogans cooked up by ad men in a Pentagon broom closet. Condemn Big Brother while erecting a hundred little Brothers, subcontracted out to private security firms and Silicon Valley ghouls who can make a better telescreen than Orwell ever dreamed.

They don’t read Orwell—they quote him. Like a televangelist rattling off scripture while cashing the checks of the desperate, they dangle 1984 and Animal Farm as totems of their own imagined victimhood. “We are the ones Orwell warned about!” they scream, usually from an air-conditioned think tank built on oil money.

Meanwhile, the real trick is hiding in plain sight. The boot stamping on a human face forever isn’t coming from a socialist commune or a ragged union hall. It’s coming from the very people who cry “Orwellian” every time they can’t dump more poison into the drinking water or sell your metadata to the highest bidder.

Orwell didn’t write for these people. He wrote about them. But that’s the beauty of power—it doesn’t have to read, it just has to repeat.

Rules of the Game

There’s a sickness in the air. It smells like Axe body spray, fear, and poorly structured hedge funds. The streets of Wall Street are crawling with a new breed of mark: the finance bro. You know the type—high-and-tight haircut, teeth like polished marble, and a face that screams, Dad says I’m a winner. These goons are the last gasping breath of a culture that once knew how to play the long con.

Because let’s be honest—finance is the longest-running con game in American history. The goal isn’t to make money; it’s to convince people you know what to do with theirs. And once upon a time, the old money bastards of Goldman Sachs had the recipe: button-down collars, frayed at the edges, signaling generational wealth so deep it might as well have been carved into the granite of Bar Harbor. These guys didn’t sell stability—they were stability. Or at least, they played the part so well that nobody questioned it.

But today? The recipe’s gone. Dead. Burned at the altar of Instagram clout and “Disruptor Energy.” The new rich don’t know a long game from a TikTok trend. Their shirts are ironed within an inch of their lives, their watches scream I’m one bonus away from debt, and they roll up to meetings in Teslas that smell like synthetic leather and desperation.


You want to con the new rich? It’s easy—because they want to be conned. They’re just begging for it, sitting in glass-walled offices, hoping someone will come along and whisper, You belong. Here’s how you do it:


The old Goldman geezers knew this. The button-down isn’t just a shirt—it’s a statement: I am not like you. A frayed collar says you summer in Nantucket, your great-grandfather was an admiral, and your family’s trust fund could buy and sell the entire population of Silicon Valley. But here’s the trick: you don’t say any of that. You let the shirt do the talking. If it looks too clean, too new, you might as well tattoo NEW MONEY on your forehead.


This is crucial. The real players don’t wear tailored suits—they wear suits that look tailored by accident. Your shoes should be old enough to have a story but polished enough to keep the peasants guessing. Think shabby, but in a way that costs more than the average finance bro’s monthly rent.


The old Goldman sharks understood this. The client—some juiced-up tech guy with a soft spot for crypto—doesn’t want to feel like you’re richer than him, even if you are. Your job is to make him think he’s the one with vision, while you quietly pocket the fees. Compliment his Rolex, but act like you don’t recognize the brand. This will drive him insane.


Don’t say returns; say stability. Don’t say investment; say legacy. Use words like provenance and endowment. These are terms that make the new rich feel like they’ve wandered into an exclusive club where everyone speaks a dead language. They’ll pay anything to stay.


The rich are allergic to enthusiasm. Nothing terrifies them more than someone who seems like they need the job. Your demeanor should suggest that managing their money is a mildly annoying favor you’re doing because your father once played squash with their uncle.


Rich people—especially the new rich—are deeply insecure. They don’t want your money advice; they want your approval. The old-money types had this figured out decades ago. They understood that wealth is as much about optics as it is about numbers. A frayed collar, a half-smile, a well-placed anecdote about the family summer house in Maine—that’s all it took.

But the finance bros? They’ve traded all that for LinkedIn posts about “grind culture” and suits that look like rejected Fast & Furious costumes. These guys don’t just lose money—they lose the plot. And they’re sitting ducks for anyone who knows how to play the game.

So pour yourself a stiff drink, dust off an old Brooks Brothers button-down, and start practicing your dead-eyed stare. The rich are still as gullible as ever—they’ve just forgotten the rules. Time to remind them.

Now listen, you probably don’t want anything to do with this racket—because you’re probably not rich, or even knew rich. That’s fine. Good for you. Rich people are their own punishment. They’re like megafauna, lumbering across the earth, oblivious to the world they crush beneath their gold-plated hooves. You can admire their size, sure—but keep your distance. They’re dangerous, and they have no idea you exist.

Still, it’s good to know this stuff. File it under Interesting Things About stuff. Because while you might not want to cozy up to a rhinoceros, it’s useful to know how to dodge one—or, if you’re feeling bold, how to sabotage it.

But if you’re smart, you’ll stay clear of the megafauna altogether. Watch them from the safety of the tree line, take notes, and maybe—just maybe—save a few sticks of dynamite for later.

Because in the world that is coming things are going to get real weird, real soon. The megafauna are already teetering on the brink, crashing into transcendence like a once-proud dinosaur unable to handle the weight of its own hubris. And when the dust settles, it’ll be the small, scrappy creatures—the ones who know how to hide in the cracks, nibble around the edges, and adapt on the fly—that will carry on. The world belongs to the rats, the cockroaches, the survivors.

Just make sure to stay out of the way when their transcendence does not materialize, and they realize that they’re stuck in this planet full of rats like you.

Exactly. When their transcendence doesn’t materialize, when they realize they’re stuck on this cracked, decaying planet with nothing but the rats left—that’s when the real show begins. The megafauna will wake up to the fact that they’ve hitched their wagon to a broken system, and no amount of golden handshakes or tech bro dreams will pull them out of the hole they’ve dug for themselves.

And you, the rat, will be in the corner, sipping a drink, watching the chaos unfold. You’ll be the one who knows how to thrive in the wreckage, adapting and slipping through cracks they never even saw coming. The rats will rule because they know how to survive when the world as they knew it collapses.

So yeah, stay out of their way. Let them stew in their own collapse as they try to cling to the illusion of transcendence, while you keep your head down and do what you do best: survive. Because, in the end, when the megafauna fall, the rats are the ones who rebuild.