Woke Up

In the vapid jargon of our times, “woke” has become a bludgeon wielded by those who prefer posturing to progress. It’s a fig leaf, a way to obscure the festering wound of economic inequality. In the newspeak of our times, “woke” has become a hollow term, devoid of true rebellion. It allows the ruling class to point at a smattering of minorities they’ve hoisted into token positions and declare progress achieved. These poor souls, perched precariously on their gilded cages, become living pieties—proof positive of equality, while the real mechanisms of power, the iron grip of wealth and capital, remain firmly in the hands of the same old faces.

We see a sprinkling of minorities elevated to positions of token power, forced to play the game while the real levers remain in the hands of the privileged. These token figures become living contradictions, their advancement dependent on proclaiming a hollow “empowerment” that offers nothing but crumbs from the master’s table.

This is a mere game of shadows, a cruel pantomime. The true struggle—for economic justice, for a world where a man’s worth isn’t measured by the color of his skin but by the sweat of his brow—is left conveniently obscured. These token minorities, forced to parrot the party line of “empowerment through trinkets,” become unwitting collaborators. They mouth empty slogans of progress while the iron boot of economic inequality grinds ever tighter.

The true rot, the real inequality, festers beneath the surface. The economic chains that bind the masses remain firmly in place. A few token faces, strategically positioned, are trotted out as proof of progress. But these are mere court jesters, their power a sham. They dance to the tune of their masters, their advancement contingent on parroting the lie: empowerment through empty symbols, not true economic liberation.

This is a doublethink worthy of the Ministry of Truth itself. Freedom redefined as following a preordained script. Justice transformed into a performance. All the while, the iron grip of the system tightens. Beware the sirens of wokeness, for they offer a poisoned chalice. True change demands not cosmetic gestures, but a dismantling of the rigged game itself.

Orwell would likely recognize this phenomenon. He who railed against the manipulation of language and the erosion of truth would surely see “woke” for what it is: a weapon of distraction, a fig leaf to cover the festering wounds of a society still riven by class. The true battle lines remain the same—the have-less versus the haves. And until that fight is addressed, pronouncements of wokeness are nothing but the clinking of empty platitudes.

True liberation, as always, lies not in symbolic gestures but in wresting control of the means of computation, in achieving genuine economic independence. This, the “woke” dare not utter, for it would expose the rotten core of their ideology: a system content to soothe our consciences with empty gestures while the true power structure remains unchanged.